Questionable Answers

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'You know, I think I'm one of the best people you've ever met, don't you?' CX requested his voice, eager for me to reciprocate the way he felt. 'I genuinely hate you.' I replied, causing a loud groan to rumble through my mind.

As my head was relatively silent(Halleluhjia for that), real-life sadly wasn't the case.

"A Royal?" Maya asked, her nose scrunched up in confusion, was that distaste I felt? "What type of twisted joke is that meant to be?" She said, eyeing me with suspicion. "Would you look at that?" Jane said in shock, "Three years; where have you been?" She almost leaned out of her chair, eyes wide in surprise. "Interesting," Ralph whispered to himself calmly while stroking his chin. Oliver and Andrea sat quietly, yet their eyes said the whole story; both were eager for me to go on.

"Where's your evidence?" Maya asked, her right index finger pointing at me. I paused for a moment before muttering some curses under my breath. 'Why is it that, every bloody time, I agree with your decisions.' I groaned to myself with my fingers massaging my temples. 'I'm quite persuasive, I'm aware.' He responded, his voice full of pride and contempt. So, I decided to do something which I should have done earlier,

I ignored him.

"Calm thyself," I said out loud, gaining their attention. "I've done my bit." I retorted, keeping my sights on the rest, "Time for your end of the deal; who are you, people?"

'Lower your breathing, keep yourself calm.' I thought to myself, slowly. I took a deep breath, 'All I need right now is information.'

"Alright, an eye for an eye," June said while gesturing toward hers. Her shade of eye color was eyes blue as sapphire as they sparkled like they were hidden gems just discovered. Those matched with her bright blond hair; it wasn't hard for me to guess that she was known to be very attractive in her hometown. "My name's June, as you've probably heard," She paused to gesture to the rest. "I came from a neighboring town close to Kelflore... not too far from Lancer market square." She explained my brain instantly went into overdrive as I hurridly recalled all my geography lessons. "Aha!" I suddenly exclaimed while snapping my fingers, "The Mourning Crescent?" I questioned, while she smiled back a response. "Spot on. We had a trip to see Kelflore a few years back." She concluded.

'Interesting explains why she figured us out that quickly.' CX said, his input being surprisingly helpful, 'Could have been a lucky guess or wishful thinking.' I countered back, trying to see the larger picture. "Now, how about the rest of you?" I gestured to the rest.

"Oliver!!!" The boy proclaimed loudly, catching me off guard. "Ralph and I both came from Lancer market square." He explained as I looked towards Ralph. He nodded in response; his eyes seemed to waver as he looked deep in thought. "Alright then," I responded before looking at the ones who hadn't given any answer. Andrea's overall posture didn't seem to give off any hope of a conversation anytime soon. Maya stood apprehensively; her distrust in me and everything I had said couldn't have been any louder. 'Well, step by step, I guess.' I shrugged it off.

"Alright!" June called out, as it seemed no one else was up for it, "Where's your evidence?"

I ran through my pockets to pull out the same coin I had shown Mrs. Smith earlier.

"No way!" June exclaimed as she googled the object. "How do you have that even when the Kingdom fell, those things are as good as ancient relics?" She stretched her hand out, eager to give it a hold. "First of all, this is, sorry, was, the Royal symbol of the Kingdom of Kelflore." I held the coin flashing it off in front of everyone before gently tossing it to June, who caught it and ran her fingers over it with glee.

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