The day that wasn't

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"Jason hurry up or we will be late." Aunt Lucy's voice called as I was in my room.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" I sighed quietly before stretching in front of the mirror in the toilet loosening some joints. "How did you get to your room again? I mean I left you with uncle Ben in front of your Grandpa's grave." I chuckle to myself as I recalled the events.

From my Grandpa's resting spot, Uncle Ben and I walked and talked to my room about anything and everything, like his wife and kids which I will meet one day, how bad the military was which, apparently sucks and how stuck up my dad was when they were kids; which was truly the cake. About the party, it's always held sometime in the evening.

Like right now.

"It's a long story..." I respond with a lopsided grin, "Anyways, it is about time right?" I ask already knowing the answer. "Yeah, it is why do you think I am begging you to hurry up." She releases a deep breath, irritation laced in her voice. "Do you know how huge this party is going to be? All the townsfolk will all be present and to be accounted for, and don't forget the two other royal families will be present for as well with their servants and their kens?" I take a shaky breath into my lungs allowing the cold crisp evening air to cool my raging nerves. I mean it's just gonna be one of the biggest events that have ever happened in the land of Kelflore just because I'm gonna be closer to the now impending title of King. I inhale a deep breath once more while blowing a loose strand of hair off my face.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

"By the pressure." She says with a smirk on her lips, as her giggling ensues causing my lips and eyebrows to form a scowl. "You have no faith in me do you?" I ask with an eye-roll.

I slowly drape my hands to my sides to admire myself. "Auntie, how do I look?" I ask looking into her eyes. "Terrible" She responds with an almost unreadable poker face; installing fear into me momentarily before bursting out into laughter once more. "I'm kidding, you look smashing as always prince." Causing me to let go of a breath I had no idea I was holding. "But honestly it's the same thing you wore earlier so nothing really bad to talk about." She says "Besides...I chose it didn't I?" I smiled at her before strolling to the wooden door. "Did you do what I always told you?" Aunt Lucy asked causing me to nod and to let the words drip from my mouth effortlessly.

"Heroes never die," I mutter before receiving a pat on the back from my second mother. I have taught those words a long time ago. These were the last words written in my Grandpa letter to which he wrote to me before he...passed on. I received it at the age of 6; as requested by him. Lucy gave it to me when I was crying on my birthday, but for some reason, those were the only words written in the middle of the paper which has always had a calming effect on me.

'Always remember, heroes never die.'

I let out one last breath, feeling the cold crisp air blowing on my face, twiddling my fingers, trying to tame my already wild heart. "Nothing is going to go wrong," I mutter as the deafening music starts to build up around the castle. As my fingers hover over the doorknob I could feel the beat of the classic music.

"Hold on!" I yell over the loud annoying classic (Which I had no idea what song it was.), "Since when did it get so loud!?!?" Aunt Lucy's eyebrows furrowed, her pitch-black eyes conveying the same message now running loops in my mind.

What's going on?

As we hurried down the spiral staircase which took two minutes,(Definitely my fastest time.) to be met with the two guards from earlier exchanging words; and their body movements speaking the same language that I'm guessing was probably spreading throughout everyone present: utter confusion. The reason was as clear as day...My father hates loud music with passion.

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