Lots of time with plenty of silence

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For some weird reason, some people say an idle mind plays with time, explaining why time was always so slow when I wanted Aunty Lucy's English lecture to end; God knows what I would do to go back to those times.

Uncle Ben told me everything that happened the night of my 13th birthday, the night of the fall of the kingdom of Kelflore.

"Jason." My Uncle called, after my meltdown last night his voice low and monotonous, I don't know what was colder his voice or the air between us. I approach him slowly as he beckons for me to the dark brown leather-covered seat next to him; as he sits on a similar copy with the color black. My back meets the cold material...confirming my suspicions that the whole house was freezing. "How are you?" He asks, his eye finally glancing at mine, I sit there quietly pondering a question, "What do you want me to say....fine?" I asked glancing at the wooden floorboards " I am physically fine like the doc said." I respond.

I'm kidding I'm far from it: My whole body was moving without me dictating how-to, The food I ate just entered my mouth without taste, it all felt like I was living a hellish nightmare which I needed to get out from. The doctor said I might be in shock for a while with some other mental illnesses I can't remember. I felt numb to my existence, to count my heartbeat seemed normal.

He sighs before looking for something, his hands digging up an envelope....with the royal seal. "After you read this I'll tell you what happened and we can talk...only if you want to hear it." He leaves the white envelope on the table and leaves the room. I've got to give him credit since talking was never his strength. I walk over to the envelope and pick it up slowly...

"Jason!!!" My uncle calls to me, his eye closely tailing my every movement, "You zoned out again, you good?" He asks with deep concern, causing me to feel a little wrong. "I'm alright let's continue," I respond lowering my body into my stance. "Listen, you've got to focus ok? One moment's hesitation-" "Can lead to you losing your life, blah blah blah" I interrupt midway while throwing a casual smile. "Just come at me old man!!!" I shout taunting him to throw the first punch.

Almost instantly a lightning-fast punch landed on my stomach causing my whole body to double over in pain, with a bit of silver metal taste on my tongue and my body wheezing due to all of the oxygen abruptly leaving my body. I deserved that I thought with my hands on my knees my whole body shuddering from the blow; while my Uncle barely looked like he broke a sweat. "And with that..." He points towards me with his hand in pistol form before blowing the top of his index finger while winking at me with a small smile causing me to glare daggers, "You're already dead." He says before trodding off back into the house a smug look painted all over his face. "One day I'll get to do that to you," I mutter quietly trodding off to the wooden abode, thoughts going elsewhere.

"Jason Hart, my son I hope you're doing well; my dad always said to prepare for the worst, which is what this letter is for." I read out the message in the middle of the room. I honestly don't know how to react, my body hasn't even fully registered the whole sequence of events it all felt like a never-ending nightmare. "I believe at this moment your uncle Ben is with you as planned and if that's the case I know you'll be under good care, and everything and anything that's happened, don't blame yourself for a drop ok? Trust me I know what self-loathing feels like "Heavy is the head that wears the crown" My advisors used to tell me but it can be avoided believe me." At this point, I finally lost it. It was as if breathing suddenly became a luxury as it was snatched away and replaced with rivers of tears pouring down my face, my heart beating and banging out of my chest. I lower the letter a bit, I didn't water to stain the last thing I have from my father. After a few minutes I decided to finish the message "My son, I want you to go discuss with your uncle immediately after this letter, he will give you some info which I told him but before that let me tell you this. Jason Hart, you are a prince, no matter what happens always remember that. Be confident in yourself no matter where you find yourself you'll figure something out regardless, also don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone. That's all I have for you my son, I'll be proud of you regardless of what happens cause I know you're one of the best choices I've had in my life, besides marrying your mom. Take care."

My uncle walks in with two wooden bowls in each hand gesturing one towards me. "What's this?" I ask as my eyes meet a liquid that looked brownish. "You haven't had soup?" He asks still gesturing the bowl towards me. I take it with doubt that the liquid wasn't a hidden poison or not. I place the bowl precariously on my lips to take a sip, with the warm liquid meeting my mouth, my tastebud jumping with joy and warmth spreading throughout my body as I greedily inhale the remaining soup in a few seconds, sending my Uncle into a state of chuckling at my hungry demeanor causing me to glare daggers at my relative. "I can't lie, Uncle Ben, it's either it's nice or you don't feed me enough in this house."

He sighs before looking at this moon night sky with one eye, the light glow of the moon and the flickers from the fire beneath the pot were the only luminating the dark windy environment around us. "It's been a while since everything happened." He spoke up his sight back to the pot with the ladle to pour more soup for me, when he was done he passes the bowl to me while I nod my head in response, suddenly losing appetite. "How does it feel Jason?" He asks before looking at me with a serious face, a little too serious. "I feel..." I take a slight pause before responding "That your laugh still sounds like a dying peacock " I chuckle which causes him to give a light laugh as well.

"But I honestly don't know uncle, everything feels strange like I'm living a dream, never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined for you to be my only relative and for me to be eating weird soup," I said my brain wandering elsewhere. "You know it's called strength-enhancing soup." He replies raising an eyebrow for adding effect. "Whatever you say." I respond before taking another sip of the "strength-enhancing soup" to warm my body.

"Well, I think it's time..." He says before gesturing for me to come closer, to which I do and I take a seat on the stool next to him, my mind running with confusion, but a hint of excitement whatever it was it sounded better than wrestling wild pigs( Don't ask.)

"Time you know what happened before you came into this world, the secret about you having a birthday and it being Grandpa's deathday."

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