Genesis or Omega?

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"What could we possibly do?" Father asked while staring out the window; the only ones accompanying him in the study were my mom, Aunt Lucy, and I; an impromptu meeting, if you will. "Borstania kingdom is within the major kingdoms, so I can't enforce any rules on that useless king." He groaned as he ruffled his hand through his hair, messing up the work from earlier. He stood frustrated as his eyes scoured the papers.

My mom stood up, and her eyes were pools full of melancholy, "And they have been no official reports received to validate any of the rumors that have been circulating," She sadly announced, "So any report filed would look like baseless accusations; sadly."

"Granted access is limited as well with those enormous walls. That fool Micheal likes to ensure everything that happens within those four walls he is to know what and why." Father responded, his form dejected as he slumped on the table, his back towards it. "Hopefully, I'm just overthinking this, and since the King had just risen to power about three months ago, maybe people aren't warming up to him, thus the cause of such rumors." He said as my mother strolled towards him to pull him into a loving hug; I honestly couldn't remember why I was supposed to be there.

"Jason, my son, what would you suggest?" Father asked, everyone's sights turning to me. I sat on my chair, frozen, like the head of a lifeless animal corpse on display. Before I could respond, my stomach beat me to it, making a roar that could rival the King of the jungle, causing my cheeks to flush red with embarrassment. "I see, " My dad said before bellowing a loud hearty laugh. Mother and Aunt Lucy followed suit. "Well then, as Jason has stated, the meeting adjourned."

The memory left as quickly as it came, as I shifted my sights on Maya, who sat almost petrified as she slowly recounted the tragic event of her life before her arrival. I could feel my whole being shift as the depth behind her words ran across me again: it was despicable.

"Before that discovery, I couldn't say living there was terrible, quite the contrary," She said, a sad smile present on her face as she reflected; 'Probably the nostalgia.' I thought. "For the first ten years of my life, living in the kingdom was great indeed, and seated on the throne, orchestrating it all, was an old and loving King, Micheal the 1st."

'I know of him.' I thought, 'Been a while since I've heard that name.'

"He was..." She faltered somewhat at a loss for words, yet, this was quite the experience. At first viewing, I thought of her as a strong and competent female, a rock who could never waver. And here she sat, calming herself to re-tell her past due to the bond we had formed, regardless of how horrible she must feel: This probably wasn't even public property.

'Her strength is astonishing.' CX said, words full of pride and assurance, 'No argument here,' I responded.

"He was less of a King and more of an old relative to anyone in the kingdom. He would take his time once a few days to stroll the streets, greeting anyone he saw and performing measly actions that you would think were beneath him." She told me, her eyes sparkled momentarily before proceeding. "He was murdered in cold blood one night, a few days after I had reached ten." She hesitated, seemingly reflecting on it, "It was terrible, to say the least."

"According to Borstania's rules, Micheal the Second rose to power immediately. Increased taxes, unnecessary restrictions, legislation, and more were heaved upon the townspeople making day-to-day life unbearable. Our tall walls of protection suddenly became an impenetrable prison. Famine and Poverty plagued the townspeople, and that wasn't the worst part." There was a pause observed as she nervously played with her hair.

"After a year under his reign, Father had stolen all our savings and bribed one of the guards for a one-way ticket out, never saw him again till this day." At this point, the words flowed out of her as her face nor her body reacted that she even knew what was leaving her mouth. "Mother was distraught, to say the least; nothing went well. At the age of twelve, one day, my mother had been summoned to the royal place. It was odd, to say the least since such a visit had no reason to occur; we had no form of relations with the man, so a visit was quite a surprise." I held my breath slightly, knowing what came next.

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