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Location : London , United Kingdom

"Good Morning ! How can I help you ? " A lady said to a guy standing infront of a display of artifacts

"I'm just checking out these articfacts.They tell me you're the expert."

"Ah , you could say that."

"They're beautiful."he said as he moved slightly to the side to take a closer look.

"Where's this one from?"he asked as he pointed at one of the artifacts.

"The Bobo Ashanti Tribe...present day Ghana , 19th century."

"For real?"he then moved to the other side"What about this one?"he pointed to another one.

"That one's from the Edo people in Benin...16th century."

"Now tell me about this one"they both moved to another display .

"Also from Benin , 7th century.Fula tribe , I believe."

"Nah" he said shaking his head.

"I beg your pardon?"

"It was taken by the British soldiers in Benin , but it's from Wakanda and it's made of vibranium."

She looked at him slightly confused but she she was also feeling abit light headed.

The guy grinned and looked back at the artifact

"Don't trip.I'mma take it off your hands for you."

"These items aren't for sale."

"How do you think your ancestors got these?"he said as he got sightly closer to her.

"You think they paid a fair price?Or did they take it like they took everything else?"

"Sir , I'm going to have to....ask you to leave"

"You got all these security in here watching me ever since I walked in . But you ain't checking for what you put in your body ."

She then looked to the side horrified as a security guard came up to the guy "All right mate , Let's have it.Come on , mate . Time"the lady then fell to the ground her cup falling out of her hand.

"I think she might not be feeling too good."

The security guards then surrounded her as the guy shouted " Somebody get some help! Come here! Call a docter , please ! Please , somebody , come help!"

GUARD : Medical emergency right away in the West African Exbit , please right away ."

Two guys came running in with a gurney as a girl watching with a small smirk on her face.

"I'm gonna take a break"she said as she walked off.

Medic 1 :" Let's give the lady some space , please."

Medic 2 : " Step back"

One of the guys then spun around and took out a gun and shot one of the guards while the other guy did the same.

"Hey , come here" he said to the guard "Come here , it's okay , You can go but just don't tell anyone , all right" he lied as the guard began to run away and he then shot him.

"Bro , why you ain't just shoot him right here?"

"Because it's better to leave the crime scene more spread out.Makes us look like amateurs."

The security cameras did not catch anything that happened because the girl that was working with them hacked it.

"Now then , let's see if you know what you're talking about"

He raised up his vibranium arm and broke the glass

He picked up the artifact and placed the vibrabium arm on it and revealed the vibranium that was hiding on it.

"You're gonna be a rich boy"

"You better sell that quick"

"It's already sold!"

"Whatever you try , the Wakandans'll probably show up."

"That'll make my day . I can kill two birds with one stone."

The guy then looked at another artifact which looked like a mask.

"You're not telling that's made of vibranium too?"he asked with a grin.

"Nah I'm just feeling it."he said as he picked it up and moved to get out the exibit.

A door opened up and revealed Everett , (Y/N)'s dad.

"Oh , hey dad! , you're home early " he said as he walked to his dad to help him with all the bags he was carrying.

"Yeah finished off work pretty early today."he said as he placed down the bags on his counter.

"Did you hear that King T'Chaka passed away a week ago?"Everett asked his son.

"Yeah I did...it was a terroist attack right?"

"Yup , I'm really hoping T'Challa and his family are doing alright" Everett said

"I hope so too..."(Y/N) said in a low tone.(Y/N) knew that his father is an old friend of T'Challa's and always wondered what it was like too meet him and his family and going to see Wakanda .He was always in deep thought about how it would be.

"So , how's school and learning more about technology coming along?"Everett snapped (Y/N) out of his thoughts.

"It's pretty great to be quite honest!!Having little struggles here and there but it's great!Come , I have some things to show you!" he said excitedly to his father as he lead him to his room.

 𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓  ✩  𝗦𝗛𝗨𝗥𝗜 𝗨𝗗𝗔𝗞𝗨 Where stories live. Discover now