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M'Baku was fighting on the field , assisting the Dora Milaje along with the Jabari tribe.

W'Kabi was on his Rhino and saw M'Baku and informed the Rhino to charge at him.

The Rhino was about to hit M'Baku until Okoye stepped infront of him .

The Rhino then stopped and licked Okoye's cheek.Okoye then looked up at her husband , glaring at him

M'Baku then moved away , W'Kabi then came off the Rhino's back and looked at Okoye.

He was about to take out his weapon "Drop your weapon!" Okoye demanaded him.

"Will you kill me , my love?" W'Kabi asked her.

"For Wakanda?"She said then pointing her spear at him."Without question!"

W'Kabi then pulled out his weapon , then lookimg at the field of everyone fighting and killing one another.

He then looked back at Okoye and dropped his weapon and knelt infront of her.And every other Wakandan man surrended and did the same as W'Baki.

Killmonger was swinging the knife he had in his hand at T'Challa as they continued their fight.

Another train came again , but theu weren't separated , but at the edge of the track.

T'Challa had the knife at Killmonger's neck but it went into reverse.

Killmonger then pushed T'Challa closer to the edge as he still held the knife to his neck.

"This is it for you ,Cousin." Killmonger told him while grinning.

T'Challa then pushed his hand back , threw the knife into their air , pushed and hell Killmonger down , caught the knife and stabbed him into the heart.

"Hell of a move!" Erik admitted , he groaned in pain as he held on to the knife.

Erik then looked around.

"My pop said Wakanda was the most beautiful thing he ever seen." Erik started.

"He promised he was gonna show it to me one day." He looked at T'Challa , slightly smiling in pain.

"You belive that? Kid fron Oakland running around beliveing in fairy tales." Erik said , grunting in more pain.

T'Challa then stood up and brought Erik to stand up. Erik winced in pain as he did so.

They both went on to a elevator to go on to the top to see Wakanda fully.

Erik then knelt down.He looked at the view.

"It's beautiful." Erik said.

T'Challa then looked down at him and knelt down next to him.

"Maybe we can still heal you." T'Challa reasoned.

"Why?So you can just lock me up?" He asked , then shaking his head." Nah.Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from ships.'Cause they knew death was better than bondage." Erik said.

He then pulled put the knife and fell to the ground.

"T'Challa watched him lay there , and then closed his eyes.

He stood up and took his body away.

Wakanda was now back as it was before , all familys reunited.

T'Challa walked into the throne room and smiled at the council.

 𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓  ✩  𝗦𝗛𝗨𝗥𝗜 𝗨𝗗𝗔𝗞𝗨 Where stories live. Discover now