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Okoye and the two other Dora's were hitting their spears against Killmonger and managed to hold him with all three of the spears.

" Lock !  " Okoye said. " Get him down !  Get the necklace !  "

Killmonger then vibranium explosion which sent the Dora's flying into the field.

Nakia and Shuri now took ther chance to fight Killmonger.

"Wakanda Forever!" Nakia shouted as she charged toward Killmonger.

Killmonger smirked at them while raising his weapon and pointing it to them , beginning to run as the black panther mask came on.

Nakia swung her weapons towards him and Shuri began shooting her weapons at him.

"Okay Shuri , We got 'em.What do we do?"Everett asked her.

"Shoot them down , you geniuses! "She said still fighting Killmonger.

"All right.(N/N) , you ready?"

"I guess so." He answered.

"Okay , here goes nothing." They both shot two planes and the both fell into the water.

"All right , we got their attention now."(Y/N) said as the planes turned around and began shooting at them.

"Oh shit." Everett mumbled.

"All right , we gotta try and stop them dad !"

"I know ! Hang on."

Nakia then cut Killmonger's back a few times with her weapon and Killmonger yelled in pain.Nakia then managed to get the weapon Killmonger had in his hand away from him.

Killmonger then held both of her hands and got his claws out and cut her thigh as Nakia screamed in pain and Killmonger swung her onto the field.

Shuri continued to shoot at him until he got closer and she held the shot which kept him falling to the ground as the energy drained him.

Killmonger then picked up another and hit the weapon Shuri was using and hit her a few times and pushed her to the ground.

T'Challa was out in the field , in some pain as he was hit toward a rock.

The Wakandan men came at him and started hitting their weapons on him.

T'Challa then saw Killmonger standing over Shuri was she was there , defenceless.

 𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓  ✩  𝗦𝗛𝗨𝗥𝗜 𝗨𝗗𝗔𝗞𝗨 Where stories live. Discover now