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There were kids playing basket ball on a court and seemed to be having a lot of fun.

There in the corner , stood T'Challa , (Y/N) and Shuri.

T'Challa purposely invited (Y/N) because Everett informed him on what was happening between them and wanted and knew that (Y/N) was going to ask his sister out or to be his girlfriend.

(Y/N) dressed up nicely , with a black long sleeve tight shirt , along with a black leather jacket , slighly loose pants and black nike sneakers.Yes , all Black. Hoping to maybe impress someone...

Shuri then turned away from the kids that were playing basketball and turned to face T'Challa.She was standing between T'Challa and (Y/N).

"When you said you would take me to California for the first time.I thought you mean't Coachella...or Disneyland...Why here?" She asked him not wanting to be where she was.

"This is where our father killed our uncle."T'Challa informed her.

Shuri then looked at a sign and read it. "They're tearing it down.Good."

"They are not tearing it down.I bought this building.And that building." He said pointing to different buildings.

"And that one over there." He finished.Shuri's scrunched her face at show T'Challa was flexing off him spending money.(Y/N) looked at Shuri's facial expressions and laughed softly.

Shuri looks at him grinning "What?" She asked while hitting his arm "Nothing!" He said , blushing in embarassment.

T'Challa smiled warmly at his sister and hopefully her future lover.T'Challa then understood what Everett mean't . They're for eachother.

Shuri then looked back at T'Challa as he spoke.
"This will be the first Wakandan International Outreach Center.Nakia will oversee the social outreach." He said then looking at (Y/N) , grinning.

"And you and (Y/N) will spearhead the sciene and information exchange."

Shuri looked at (Y/N) , smiling and he smiled back and she turned to her brother.

"You're kidding " she said , laughing slightly.

"Eh?" He then raised his hand pressed one of the Kimoyo bead as it reveled the Royal Talon.

The kids then stopped playing their game and looked at the Royal Talon.

Shuri looked at them and stepped foward abit as the kids looked at ship wondering what it was.

"Oh...Hey yo. Man what the hell is that?" One of the kids asked.

"That's like a Bugatti spaceship!" Another kid said .Shuri giggled at what the kid said and continued to look at them admiring her design.

(Y/N) then took this opportunity to ask T'Challa a question , which he kind of expected to get an rejection too , but still asked.

"Your Highness , I wanted to ask a question if that's okay?" (Y/N) said.

T'Challa smiled , already knowing damn well what he was about to ask him.He nodded at him.

"I was wondering if I could for your permission to...ask your..sister out on a date?"(Y/N) asked , still expecting an rejection.

"It is really my mother you should be asking that question." T'Challa stated.

(Y/N) took a deep breath , nodding , knowing that there was probably no way he could of spoke to Queen Ramonda or worst yet , her mother even saying yes.

"Of course...Understood..."He breathed out and gave T'Challa a understanding yet panied smile as he began turning his head back to look at Shuri sadly.

"But I will have a conversation with her about it....and yes.. you do have my permission." T'Challa spoke up , smiling at him.

(Y/N) looked at him with raised eyebrows "I- Thank you , your highness." (Y/N) smiled in relief and T'Challa nodded only continuing to smile.

(Y/N) turned to Shuri as she was still looking at the kids surround the Royal Talon and was about to ask her , but little did he know , Shuri listened to the whole converstion.

Shuri then turned back to the two of them. Shuri did her signature handshake with T'Challa and T'Challa moved closer to where the kids were leaving Shuri and (Y/N) alone.

"Shuri , I wanted to ask you something , I completely understand if you say no-" (Y/N) started but Shuri cut him off by giving him a small kiss on the lips.

She giggled and blushed at him after she pulled away as he watched her in shock and his face turning completly red.

"Yes...I will go on a date with you." Shuri simply told him "I'll send you my number so you can call me when you have the day you want to do it organzied." She said then giving him a small kiss on the cheek and before she could walk away...

(Y/N) stopped her by putting one hand on her waist pulling her in closer and putting one hand on her cheek kissing her for deeper than the first kiss and it was longer.Shuri closed her eyes enjoying the moment but also felt a million butterfiles in her stomach.

He caressed her cheek as the kiss
continued.It went on for a few seconds until they pulled way...their faces still close to eachother.

"I really like you , hope you know that ." (Y/N) whispered , still holding her in the same position.

Shuri smiled and blusehed , still feeling a while swarm of butterflies in her stomach.

"I really like you too." She confessed still holding their eye contact.

Both his hands were now on her waist. "I'll call you , okay?" He said now holding her hands "All right."

She then hugged him , smiling like an idiot.

They then pulled away , waved eachother goodbye as Shuri ran to the Royal Talon were the kids were still surrounding it.

T'Challa saw the whole moment of Shuri and (Y/N) and smiled widely.

"We can break it apart and sell it." One lf the kids said"On eBay." Another kid finished."Everybody get , like a million apiece."

"I wouldn't do that , If I were you guys." Shuri told them.

"Where you come from?" A boy asked her.

"From Wakanda." She answered.

"What is a Wakanda?" The boy asked in confusion.(Y/N) chuckled at the young boy's question.

"Hey , yo!" A boy walkes up to T'Challa "This yours?" He asked him.

T'Challa didn't say anything but just looked at the boy.

"Who...Who are you?" He asked.

T'Challa remained silent as he simply smiled at the boy.

 𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓  ✩  𝗦𝗛𝗨𝗥𝗜 𝗨𝗗𝗔𝗞𝗨 Where stories live. Discover now