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It was the next day and (Y/N) and Everett were now heading to an Interrogation with Klaue in a vehichle.

"I didn't tell you this but I'm not only bringing you here for help but you're also gonna get to meet the King Of Wakanda there." Everett started.

(Y/N) looked at his dad is complete shock.
"WHAT?!"He shouted in disbelief."HE'S GONNA BE THERE??!!"

"Yes ! now stop shouting !" Everett replied.

"Oh yeah , sorry , just got a little too excited" (Y/N) replied , sitting back properly in his seat.

"There's nothing wrong with being excited , I expected you to be , but I also expect you to be on you're best behaviour and most respectful attitude when you're with him."

"Of course!I mean I was always intending to anyways."

"Good , we're almost there."

"Hello.I can see you! I can see you." Klaue said while laughing and looking at nothing but a reflection of himself.

T'Challa and Okoye were looking at Klaue with no emotion on their faces.

Everett and (Y/N) just walked in and they both saw Okoye and T'Challa.

(Y/N) stayed beside his dad while waking toward T'Challa.

Everett looked at the window and saw Klaue inside . "So this is the big mess ,huh?"he then turned to his son "Your Highness this is my son , (Y/N) Ross."

T'Challa turned to (Y/N) and gave him a warm smile "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."he said while nodding to (Y/N).

"It's a honour to meet you aswell , Your Highness." (Y/N) was trying to hard to bring a huge smile and shout out how happy and excited he was.He looked at Okoye but she had no interest in the conversation so he decided to not say anything.

"Okay so that's settled."Everett said then signaling for (Y/N) to find a seat and T'Challa then looked back and Klaue ."I figured we could go good cop , bad cop.I'll talk to him first, then you guys could go in."then Okoye cut him off.

"We can't let him talk to Klaue alone."

T'Challa looked at Everett only to see that he was completly confused while he looked between the two.

"Better to let him talk to Klaue alone for 5 minutes than to make a scene here."  T'Challa replied , still looking at Everett.

Okoye looked back at Klaue , dissapointed with T'Challa's response.

 𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓  ✩  𝗦𝗛𝗨𝗥𝗜 𝗨𝗗𝗔𝗞𝗨 Where stories live. Discover now