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T'Challa walked in a lab with the Dora Milaje and then walked on on his own.

He then saw his younger sister  , Shuri standing in a beautiful white dress with a big grin on her face as she bowed and said "My king."

"Stop it . Stop it." Shuri giggled and did their signature handshake .

"I've already sent a car ahead to Busan for you.Who are you taking with you to Korea ?"Shuri asked her brother as she looked up at him.

"Okoye......and Nakia as well..." he said with a small smile.

Shuri stopped walking as she squinted her eyes at T'Challa and she then started walking again.

"You sure it's a good idea to take your ex on a mission?"

"Yes...We'll be fine , besides you'll be on a call should we need backup."

She smiled" Yes!!"

"I have great things to show you , Brother."

"Here are your communication devices for Korea."she said and T'Challa looked at it and picked it up "Unlimited range , also equipped with audio surveillance system."

"Check these out.Remote access Kimoyo Beads"Updated to intersurface directly with my stand table."

"Ah"T'Challa then looked around "And what are these?"

"The real question is......What are those??!!"

T'Challa laughed " Why do you have your toes out in my lab??"

"What you don't like my royal sandals?"he said as he raised up his leg on a chair."I wanted to go old school for my first day."

"I bet the elders loved that"Shuri said and T'Challa smiled.

"Try them on."Shuri placed them on the ground and T'Challa put them on.

"Fully automated.Like the old American movie Baba used to watch.And I made completely sound absorbent."

"Interesting" T'Challa said as he tried to make a sound with the shoes.

"Guess what I call them....Sneakers."T'Challa watched Shuri in confusion."Because you....Never mind" she said and tapped his shoulder while walking off.

"If you're going to take on Klaue...you'll need the best design group has to offer.Exhibit  A."

"My design ."

"Old tech"


"Functional , but old .Hey people are shooting at me. Wait let me put on my helmet ."

"Enough" T'Challa said slightly annoyed .

Shuri giggled "Now look at these.Do you like that one?"

"Tempting . But the idea is to not be noticed ."

Shuri nodded as T'Challa pointed to the other one
"This one."Shuri brought her Kimoyo beads close to T'Challa's neck as a purple symbol glowed.

"Now tell it to go on."

The Black Panther design then revealed . "Whoo!!"T'Challa grinned at the suit . "The entire suit sits within the teeth of the necklace."

"Stike it."



He striked the display of the suit and it went flying across the room.

"Not that hard , genius!!"Shuri shouted as she ran to get the suit.

"You told me to strike it , you didn't say how hard."

"I invite to my lab and you just kick things around?Eh?"she said walking back with the suit

"Well maybe you should make it a but stronger...hey hey.Wait a minute.."

"The nainites absorb the kinetic energy and hold it in place for redistribution."

"Very nice." T'Challa admitted

"Strike it again in the same spot" Shuri said backing away while setting up a camera to record.

"You're recording?"

"For research purposes"Shuri said innocently shrugging.

T'Challa tried to kick the suit but be went flying back as Shuri laughed loudly at him .

"Delete that footage."

"(Y/N)!!" Everett shouted

"Are you ready ??"he asked as he waited for his son to come down stairs.

"Yeah I'm here!" (Y/N) said as he was carrying his luggage . Everett and (Y/N) were leaving to go to Busan Korea because Everett had a job to do and (Y/N) was coming along with him .

"Let's get these outside.The car's waiting for us."

They packed up their things and got in the vehichle and went off.

"Soo , where will i be staying while you're doing your work?" (Y/N) asked

"I got a really nice hotel that you can stay at , they'll be providing food and many other things aswell."

"How long will you be gone for?"

"Hopefully not too long , i'll be back at a reasonable time ."

(Y/N) nodded as he looked out the window and saw all the city buildings and the way to the airport.

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