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It had been 2 years since (Y/N) and Shuri were together and (Y/N) proposed and they were now preparing for their wedding.

The Wedding was taking place in Wakanda.It was happening here as Shuri wanted it to and so did (Y/N).Something told (Y/N) that the wedding will be more beautiful there.

Shuri was in her dressing room.Queen Ramonda , Nakia , Okoye  some of the Dora Milaje and a few female elders were in the room helping her dress and get ready.

Nakia was doing Shuri's make up and one of the female elders were doing her hair.

Nakia looked at Shuri and saw that she was nervous but she smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Nakia asked her , dabbing the brush into the product she was using for the makeup.

"...Excited..but also nervous." She admitted.

"Ahh , I understand..it's totally normal to feel like this on your wedding day , every woman feels the same way." Nakia told her.

Shuri slightly nodded as Nakia was still adding touches to her make up.

"You're going to look fantastic in this dress." Okoye said to her "He's going to love it." She said.

Shuri smiled warmly at Okoye as she showed up in the mirror.

The dress was a White Wakandan dress that would suit Shuri perfectly.Nakia then finished her make up and stood up.

Queen Ramonda then came up to Shuri holding all her jewelry.

Shuri then stood up and faced her mum.
"Mother." Queen Ramonda then pulled her into a warm hug."Oh , Shuri."

They then pulled apart and Ramonda placed her hands on Shuri's shoulders.

"Today's the big day."Ramonda said."I'm so proud of you.I hope you and (Y/N) will have to happiest family." She beginning to tear up.

"We will." Shuri reasurred her mother.

Okoye and Nakia came back with dress."All right let's get you all finished up shall we?" Nakia asked , smiled at her.

Shuri and Queen Ramonda smiled back.

(Y/N) was continuing to get ready . His mind was only thinking about the girl who he was going to marry today.

Everett , T'Challa , W'Kabi and other Wakandan men were with him , helping him.

"Sooo , how's the groom feeling?" Everett asked his son , sitting next to him.

"Uhh..don't really know how to describe the feeling to be quite honest...I mean..it's the big day."(Y/N) told his dad."But it's mostly with nervousness."

"You're gonna be alright , I promise." Everett said to him.

"I will make sure nothing wrong happens." T'Challa informed (Y/N).

(Y/N) smiled and nodded at him "Thank you."

Everett and (Y/N) then stood up.

Everett gave his son a hug.

"Let's do this , shall we?" Everett asked him.

"We shall."(Y/N) answered him , while fixing his tie.

(Y/N) was ofcourse already in the wedding room waiting for it to begin.

The room was filled with Wakandan people in the room aswell.

Everett was also in the room and couldn't take his eyes off of his son and satrted to feel emotional.

Then , the music began and the wedding ceremony officially started.Everyone stood up from their seats.

The flower girls , who were young Wakandan girls in white dresses , were walking down the aisle and throwing out white flower peatals to the ground , making a beautiful aisle for the bride.

The braidsmaid and groomsmen then came down the aisle after the flower girls and leaving last but not least...the bride.

Two doors opened revealing , T'Challa and Shuri.

Shuri looked up and made eye contact with (Y/N)

(Y/N) looked at her , mesmerized at what he saw and he was on the urge of crying.

Queen Ramonda , Nakia , Okoye and everyone else looked at Shuri , also amazed at how she looked.

Shuri and T'Challa then walked down the aisle.

Shuri held onto T'Challa's hand as she was also holding back tears.

"Remember , don't cry , it'll ruin your make up." T'Challa told her softly.

Shuri slightly nodded at what he told her.

Shuri and T'Challa reached midway and it was (Y/N)'s que to come down and meet her.

He came and took her away from T'Challa.Shuri and (Y/N) then walked with eachother to where the person who would anounce their marriage was.

The Elder did the annuncements and then took out (Y/N) and Shuri's rings.

He then spoke again "Do you , (Y/N) Ross , vow to take , Shuri Udaku , daughter of Queen Ramonda , as your wife for the rest of your life?" The Elder turned to (Y/N).

"I do." (Y/N) answerd truthfully , looking into Shuri's eyes and smiled as Shuri smiled at him.

"And Do you..." The Elder turned to her " Shuri Udaku , Daughter of Queen Ramonda , take (Y/N) Ross , to be your husband for the rest of your life?"

"I do." She answered , also truthfully.

The Elder then took both the rings and gave it to ecahother to put on.

(Y/N) held Shuri's hand as he placed on her ring and Shuri did the same.

"You may now , kiss the bride!" Eveyone stood up and cheered for the two as (Y/N) kissed Shuri softly and tenderly as his hand went onto her cheek to deepen the kiss.

They kissed once but Nakia shouted "Again! Again!" Some people laughed and continued to cheer.

(Y/N) did not hesitate to do what Nakia requested and kissed her again , her hands now on his cheek and his hands on her waist.

Okoye was on the verge of tears , Ramonda kept clapping and smiling , T'Challa and Everett were cheering them on.

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