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Third Person's POV

[Warning: Mature content.]

It was almost nighttime when both Akshara and Abhimanyu entered the house after yet another official event. The Birla enterprises have these kind of dinners and events at least four times a month and despite of Akshara having no interest in these, Abhimanyu still always drag his wife to all of these events just so he can be with her all the time. Akshara couldn't help but find his behaviour possessive yet cute.

Talking about marriage, these love birds tied the knot six months ago in an intimate ceremony with close family and friends. As the C.E.O of one of the leading enterprises, it came as quite a shock to the media that the couple have decided to keep all their privates matter but for Abhimanyu it was a realization that all the beautiful things of life are meant to be kept close away from the bad sights and his Akshara was the most beautiful part of his life.

He still remember how out of the world she looked on their wedding day, wearing a combination of champagne gold and off-white with little to no makeup done. Her smile was the brightest jewel she wore that day as she couldn't help but smile widely every second because of how truly happy she was. Abhimanyu, on the other hand, was calm and composed throughout the whole wedding, or you can say he was finally at peace.

"Mr. Birla, you should stop now." Akshara stated, looking at him with a mischievous smile as they both reached their bedroom.

"Stop what?" Abhimayu asked, confused, as he loosened his tie.

"You've been staring at me since too long. I'm sure all the official pictures that are going to release would have you looking at me in each one of them." She told him with a smile, and he chuckled.

"Well, I can't help it, you know? My wife is way too hot." He said, making Akshara blush at his response.

She immediately turned around to hide her emotions and went towards the dressing in order to remove her jewellery. Though it had been six months to their marriage and they've known each other for more than a year now, she still shy away whenever he complimented her. Even on their first time, she was a blushing mess, and Abhimanyu was even more turned on by that.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw Abhimayu moving towards the door and closing it gently before making his way towards her. Her breath hitched as he stood right behind her, his arms wrapped around her tiny waist as he pulled her into him, causing her to shriek.

"Abhi..." she softly said as his right hand dropped to her thigh, pulling up the dress that hung loose just above her knees.

"Do you have any idea about the effect you have on me?" His deep husky voice sent shivers down her spine as she gradually turned around in his arms.

"Even after a whole year, you can still make me go wild over you." His fingers clutched behind her back tightly, moving her closer to him before his hand made his way towards her chin and tilted her face upwards, causing her to look at him in the eye.

Akshara knew that she wasn't getting away with it tonight, and it's going to be a long one. Abhimanyu leaned in and captured her lips softly initially before deepening the kiss, turning it into a rough , passionate one as his hands clutched her hair tightly, causing her to moan while he smirked

He bit her lip demanding for access, which she gladly gave as his tongue explored every corner of her mouth, marking his authority. After a few more seconds, he pulled apart and saw her face turned into the shade of red as her breathing got uneven. Without wasting further time, he carried her swiftly towards the bed and positioned her downward as he took off his blazer and unbuttoned his shirt, leaving his chest  bare.

Akshara couldn't help but stare at her husband. Abhimanyu gently got on top of her and dipped his head in the crook of her neck, kissing it softly. A moan escaped her lips as his teeth grazed the skin of her neck, causing her to tangle her hands in his hair and pull it gently. His lips moved from her neck to her jawline and again found her lips in a passionate kiss, making her out of breath once again.

"You're so fucking beautiful." He said in a low deep voice as he started removing her dress. Her breath hitched in her throat as she was now laying beneath him with her bare skin. It wasn't the first time, but Abhimayu still got mesmerized seeing the beauty in front of him.

"You'll be the death of me." He muttered before entering her with a gentle thrust, keeping in mind that she doesn't get hurt.

She let out a loud gasp as he started moving into her slowly. Her fingers traced the back of his neck before digging into his back as he picked up the pace. Her eyes rolling backward with each deep thrust as she reached near the climax.

"Abhi.." yet another moan escaped her lips with her toes curling and her back arching as she climaxed and he followed soon.

He got off her and laid beside her before giving her a sloppy kiss. Akshara moved the sheets over them as she put her head on his chest and they both tried to steady their breaths.

"We didn't use the protection." She told him upon realization. He looked at her for a split second before wrapping his arms around her tightly and pulling her closer to him.

"I don't think it's an issue. Besides, it's high time we should make Rhea an elder sister." Abhimanyu said with a smile and she smiled back at him before she snuggled into him and closed her eyes to get some sleep.

° ° °

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