Chapter:- 02.

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Taehyung's POV.

It was 5:43 p.m. so I drove to the address. I reached there and rang her doorbell. I sighed as I was thinking on how to face her.

I know she doesn't have feelings for me and it is really hard to get rid of my feelings for her. Jin hyung opened the door for me and I went inside giving him a smile.

T: Hey, everyone!

Jn: You are finally here. We were waiting for you.

Jennie said. She lives in an apartment and I also live separately in an apartment.

Js: You are late!

I checked the time and it was 6:34 p.m. Gosh! I am really late.

T: I am sorry...

N: It's okay.

Namjoon hyung said. He lives with our parents. I sat on the couch and others were playing games.

M: Why are you sitting there? Come! Join us!

Momo said as she was playing truth or dare with others.

Jk: Yes! Join us!

Jungkook also asked me to join them.

T: No, you guys play. I don't want to play.

Jm: Why? Come on! Don't be a mood killer.

Jimin said. He is older than me but we are about the same age.

T: Fine!

Saying that I joined them. I really hate playing truth or dare. Even Yoongi hyung had to play as he has no choice.

Rosé spun the bottle and it landed on Irene noona.

I: I will go for a dare.

R: Okay! I dare you to eat 4 ice cubes together.

I: Dare accepted!

Saying that she stood up and went to the fridge. She opened the freezer and put 4 ice cubes in her mouth. She came to us and showed her mouth empty.

R: Wow, Irene unnie!

L: Good job!

Lisa said giving her a thumbs up.

I: Thank you! Thank you!

She said as she bowed two times like we are the audience and sat down on her seat. We all laughed at her acting.

Irene noona spun the bottle and it landed on Yoongi hyung.

Y: Why me?

Jn: Poor you!

Y: Stop making fun of me!

H: It's okay, hyung.

Hoseok hyung teased him.

Y: I said, stop!

J: Hey, stob it!

Jin hyung said making us all laugh at his silly mistake.

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