Chapter:- 13.

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Jisoo's POV.

I was so nervous that I was stuttering. I wanted to confess my feelings to him. I didn't want to make it late as things might change.

Js: I-I want to t-tell you something.

T: What is it?

Js: I have something to confess?

T: Confess? About what? Why do you look so nervous?

He looked so confused. I was getting more nervous. I gathered up my courage and went for it.

Js: I-I wanted to confess my feelings for you. I love you very much. I have loved for a long time but wasn't able to tell you because I thought I was not good enough for you.

I finally let it all out. He looked stunned. He came and hugged me tightly. He looked so happy to hear that.

T: You aren't kidding me, right?

Js: No, I really love you.

T: I love you too. Don't ever think that you are not good enough for anything, okay?

I nodded.

Js: Will you be my boyfriend?

T: Of course, I will. Is that even a question?

I chuckled at how cute he was.

T: C-Can I-I kiss you?

He hesitated before asking me that. He cares so much about me. I was flustered hearing him.

Js: I-I am not ready yet.

T: I understand.

I just smiled at him.

Js: Cuddle with me.

He just laughed at it.

T: You are cute.

Js: I know I am.

He came beside me and we both laid down on the bed while hugging each other. I was snuggling on his chest.

Next day.

As I was ready to go out so I decided to go to work as I have already missed some days. I was in my apartment with Taehyung. He insisted he would drop me off and pick me up, he just can't leave me alone because he is afraid.

I thought it was a good idea as I am not ready to go alone yet. I changed into work clothes and went to work with Taehyung. We reached so I decided to get out of his car.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. I was going to get off but before that I kissed him on his cheek and he was shocked. The next second he was blushing.

Js: Bye, Tae.

T: Y-Yeah!

He still managed to say that. I got off and smiled at him and went inside. He left too after I got inside.

Time skip.....

Taehyung's POV.

It was already time to pick her up so I went to my car and drove off. I got there and saw her waiting for me. I smiled at her and she got in and I started driving.

T: How was your day?

Js: It was good. How about you?

T: Same.

Js: You look tired.

T: I know.

Js: Don't overwork, okay?

I nodded. We were talking while we reached my house. She is still living with me because she can't stay alone. I won't mind as long as she is by my side and is safe. I lowkey liked it that she was staying with me.

T: Go take a shower.

She went to take a quick bath. Her things are here. After she came, we ate our meals and then went to watch a movie.

It was a horror movie and neither of us were scared. She was keeping her head on my shoulder while I just held her waist. We were eating popcorn while watching.

There was a jumpscare. It usually doesn't affect me or make me scared but this time I got flinched. She started laughing.

Js: I didn't know that you get scared of horror now.

T: I don't. I don't know but it happened only now. It usually doesn't happen.

She was giggling.

T: Stop teasing me!

Js: Aww! Tae is scared.

T: I am not.

Js: You are.

T: No!

I started ticking her and she was laughing. She tried to stop me but it was of no use.

Js: S-Stop *laugh* it!

T: You want to tease me, huh? This is what you get for that.

She was trying to stop by holding my hand but instead she held it and we fell. I was on top of her and we were both lying on the sofa. It made me flustered. Her cheeks were in a tint of red.

Our faces were only inches away. I wanted to kiss her so badly but I can't do that. I realised what situation we were in and tried to go back up only to be pulled by her in the same position.

What is she doing? We stared at each other and I was admiring her when she suddenly surprised me by KISSING me on the LIPS!!! Her soft, pink and pretty heart shaped lips were on mine?

My stomach was having butterflies. Her lips were so soft. She pulled away. It was just a light peck but it still made my heart flutter. When I kiss her I don't know and can't imagine what will happen to me.

T: A-Are you o-okay?

Js: I think I am ready now.

T: Can I kiss you now?

She nodded. Instead of me kissing her, she was the one who pulled me and kissed me. I smiled as she recovered from that incident. Our lips were moving with each other in sync. I loved it!

Finally, I got her.

To be continued.....

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