Chapter:- 03.

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Taehyung's POV.

My work was over in the office so I checked the time and it was 4:26 p.m. I quickly headed out to the park and got there by 4:58 p.m.

I sighed in relief as I didn't get late because yesterday I got late. My office is pretty far so it takes time. I searched for Jisoo but didn't see her anywhere so I sat on a bench waiting for her.

She came after 5 minutes and smiled at me as she sat down beside me. I gave her a smile too and I was so nervous seeing her.

I practised many times on how to confess to her but after seeing her I forgot all of them and not a single word was coming out of my mouth.

Js: Hey!

T: H-Hi!

Js: Why are you stuttering?

T: N-Nothing.

Js: Okay...?

She said confused. We were chatting for some time.

Js: So, why did you want to meet me?

T: Be-Because...

I paused for some time.

Js: What because?

I decided to finally do it. I decided to confess to her in a proper way. I mustered up my courage and went for it.

T: Because I like you.

I said quickly as fast as I can. She wasn't shocked maybe because of yesterday. Maybe because she knew that I had feelings for her. Maybe because she knew this was coming and was prepared for it.

T: No! I don't like you! I love you! I love you very much! You know? I have loved you for 7 years now. When you left, I was waiting for you everyday. I thought about every single day. I thought you won't come so I tried stopping my feelings for you by not talking to you but it didn't go away. It's okay if you reject me and don't have feelings for me. If you want time to sort out your feelings and give me an answer then do that. If you think I should wait for you a little more I will do that. I will wait for your answer. You can answer me later.

Js: I will give you an answer later.

T: I will wait but make it fast.

Js: I will.

It felt good letting out my feelings for her. It felt nice that I told her. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.

T: I-

I was about to say that I will get going when my phone rang.

T: Excuse me!

She nodded and I stood up. I moved a little forward and picked the call. It was from Jennie.



[Hello! Tae oppa!]

[Yes? Why did you call me?]

[Mom told me to tell you that we are having dinner together today]

[So, I have to come home for dinner today?]



[Don't forget about that, okay?]

[I won't forget!]

[Okay, bye!]

[Bye! I'll see you there!]

After that I hung up and went to Jisoo.

T: I'll get going then.

Js: Okay!

I left from there and went home directly. I rang the doorbell and Namjoon hyung opened it. I went inside and my mom came and hugged me.

Taehyung's Mom: How are you, my son?

T: I am good! How about you and dad?

Taehyung's Mom: We are doing alright. You don't even come to meet your parents that's why I decided to have dinner. Did you forget about us? Don't you miss us?

Taehyung's Mom: I'm sorry, mom. How can I forget about you and dad? And of course I miss you both very much. You know? I have too much work and pressure so I wasn't able to meet you both and about Sunday, I only rest the whole day.

Taehyung's Mom: It's okay. Aww! My child! You should rest and also take care of yourself but at least you should make a little time for us and come to meet us sometimes. Don't burden yourself very much, okay? Be healthy and eat healthy.

T: Thanks, mom! I will take care of myself and you should too, okay? I will make time for you.

She nodded smiling and understanding. We went to the dinner table but Namjoon hyung, Jennie and dad were not there. They came downstairs and sat on their respective seats.

We chatted and had dinner. It felt nice eating together with all of them. It was getting late so I decided to go home.

T: So, I'll go now.

Jn: Just stay here for today.

N: Yes, she is right!

T: No, I have to go as I have to go to the office tomorrow.

Taehyung's Mom: But-

Taehyung's Dad: Let him go! He must have a lot of work.

T: You are right, dad! Bye!

I went home and dozed off as I was so tired.

To be continued.....

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