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Author's POV.

After 3 years.....

It was Jisoo and Taehyung's 3rd anniversary of their relationship. Their relationship was getting stronger day by day and they were in healthy relationship.

Jisoo was picking a gift for Taehyung with Jennie. Jennie suggested a couple watch would be good so here she is with her in the watch showroom.

She was deciding when a Cartier watch caught her attention. She thought it would be perfect so she bought it. It was actually a couple Cartier watches with brown belts.

It was evening and she was waiting for Taehyung to pick her up as he said he will take her somewhere beautiful. She was really excited and nervous for some reason and same with Taehyung.

He arrived and when he saw her, it looked like she took his breath away. She looked ethereal. It has already been 3 years but they never fail to amaze and surprise each other. It's like they are falling over and over and deep and deep for each other everyday.

T: You are looking gorgeous.

Js: You don't look less than handsome.

T: Happy 3rd anniversary to us.

Js: Yes, happy 3rd anniversary to us, my love.

T: Let's go!

They got in the car and arrived at their destination. Taehyung put a blindfold on her eyes.

Js: Why are you blindfolding me?

T: I want to show you something very beautiful. Just trust me and follow my lead, okay?

Js: Of course, I trust you.

He held her and helped her walk to the leading way. He uncovered her eyes and what she saw stunned her. The place was very beautifully decorated with lights leading the way. The rose petals were scattered on the floor.

She was amazed and turned to him with a smile.

Js: I love it!

T: That's good.

Js: Wait...I have something for you.

She pulled out a box containing two watches.

Js: This is a couple watch for us.

She said excitedly and wore it then wore the other to him.

T: I have something for you too.

He pulled out a box containing a beautiful necklace with a heart shaped locket. He wore it to her.

Js: It's beautiful...it will always remind me of you.

T: Well, you should be reminded of me every time when you are having a bad time. I have one more surprise for you.

He was so nervous and it didn't go unnoticed by her. He knelt to the ground with one knee and pulled out a box containing a beautiful ring and put it in front of her. She put her hand in front of her mouth surprised that it was really happening.

T: You make me the happiest when you smile. You are the only person who has my heart. You are the only person I want to spend the rest of my life happily with. I promise I will make you the happiest too. Will you marry me and make me happy for the rest of my life?

A year fell down her cheeks and she also knelt down to his level and hugged him.

Js: Is that even a question? Of course, I'll marry you. You make me happy too, make me smile and have my heart. It's a yes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you too.

They pulled away from the hug and he kissed her passionately and she gladly did back putting her hands around his neck. They parted and he slid the ring in her ring finger.

T: Wait! I have one more ring. Put it on my finger too.

He gave her the ring and she happily slid it in his ring finger.

T: I love you.

Js: I love you too.

They kissed once again.

Time skip.....A year later.....

They are now happily married for 6 months. Taehyung came from work to see his wife cooking. She still does work because she didn't want to be a housewife only. He went behind her and put his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck.

T: I am home, my love.

Js: Take a bath. You stink.

She said pushing him away and he went to take a bath. After he came out, he saw that she had already put the food on the table and was waiting for him. He took a seat and they ate.

Time skip.....

Jisoo was on the bed watching YouTube shorts when he jumped on the bed making her startled. He was the clingy one here.

T: I want to have babies with you.

He said making Jisoo red in which he chuckled.

Js: M-Me too.

She stuttered making Taehyung look at her in disbelief.

T: You sure?

Js: Yeah...

T: Then let's make one tonight.

Js: T-Tonight?

T: Yes...now.

She gulped and he pulled her and trapped her in between his arms. He was above her. He kissed her hungrily.

Time skip.....

After doing it, they were panting and were very tired. Taehyung went and lay down beside Jisoo while she snuggled in his chest. He kissed her forehead.

Js: I love you.

T: I love you too.

After that they were fast asleep in each other's arms. They kept their promise and loved each other. Their love made them strong. Their friends were also happy with their partners. They lived together happily.


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