About me.

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So, I got tagged by _KthxKjs_ and here it is.

So, I got tagged by _KthxKjs_ and here it is

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1. Age: 15 years.
2. Name: Blackyim.
3. Birthday: 31 December.
4. Bestie: Don't have any.
5. Eye colour: Dark brown.
6. Hair colour: Black.
7. Grade: 10th.
8. Nationality: Indian.
9. Height: Don't know as I didn't check.
10. Nickname: Ziyi(You can call me that).
11. Eldest/Youngest/Middle: Eldest.
12. Zodiac: Capricorn.
13. Siblings: 2 younger brothers.
14. Relationship status: Single.
15. Social/Antisocial: Antisocial.
16. Introvert/Extrovert: Introvert.
17. Gender: Female.
18. Crush: Don't have any.
19. Righty/Lefty: Righty.
20. Mood: Happy.
21. Fav meal: Idli Dosa.
22. Least fav meal: I don't have any as I eat anything I get.
23. Fav Kdrama: Descendants of the Sun.
24. Current Fav Song: Cupid by Fifty Fifty.
25. Last drink you drank: Water.
26. Last phone call: A random person.
27. Last song you listened to: Ice cream by Blackpink.
28. What comes to your mind when you think about me [I'amour]: A sweet friend.

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