Chapter:- 08.

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Jisoo's POV.

After sometime she stopped crying. I got a call from Rosé. I forgot about the meet up. I picked it up.


[Where are you, unnie?]

[We are waiting for you and Sana unnie]

[I can't come there]

[I am with Sana and we are having a problem]

[Problem? Is it something bad? Should I come there with others? Are you both having a fight?]

[Don't worry! It isn't a fight!]

[It's our personal matter]


I was happy that she was understanding and didn't ask any other questions.

[I will go now]

After that I hung up and kept my phone in my pant's pocket. Sana was now sleeping and looked really tired. I covered her with a blanket and left for home, locking the door.

I already cooked for her and left her a note.

"I cooked for you, it is on the dining table. Make sure to eat and don't cry. Don't skip your meals. Everything will be alright. Always remember, you are strong.

-Your darling,

I know it is a silly note but I also know that it will cheer her up a bit. I was laying down on my bed and was thinking of what to answer him now after he rejected her.

I have a chance but she will feel betrayed and also sad. I can't see her like that. It will hurt me too after rejecting him but I know it will be the best for everyone.

No one will feel sad, heartbroken, jealous, angry, hurt or betrayed. I know we will feel like that for sometime but it is for the best. We will forget it afterwards.

I have decided. I will do that tomorrow as I know if we get in a relationship this fast then she will feel betrayed that I didn't tell her anything and I will feel guilty.

I went to sleep but I was feeling heartbroken. It wasn't a good sleep but I know it will be after sometime.

Next day.

I was waiting for Taehyung in front of his apartment. He came out and he was looking damn handsome. No! No! I don't want any distracting thoughts! Focus!

I cleared my throat before speaking. I was nervous as I didn't get a chance to reject someone before. As now I got the chance, I was feeling guilty and sad.

Js: H-Hi!

T: Hey! Why did you want to meet me? Is it urgent?

Js: It is. Want to take a walk?

T: Sure!

We were taking a walk and there was a comfortable silence surrounding us. I don't know why but it was comfortable. I broke the silence.

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