Chapter:- 11.

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Jisoo's POV.

I was still in a call with Taehyung and that man was chasing after me. I suddenly fell down by tripping from a rock. Wrong timing!

The man caught up to me and I wasn't able to stand up because my legs were hurt. I was getting backwards by crawling. He was coming closer to me.

He held me and stopped me. We were on the side of the road and dragged me and pushed me to a wall. I was crying and praying for Taehyung to come.


[Jisoo, are you there?]


[HELP ME!!!]

[Are you okay?]

[Is he doing something bad with you?]

[Hello? Hello? Jisoo?]

I tried to stop him but he was stronger than me. He pinned me on the wall, pulled his facemask down and started kissing my neck. I was crying unable to do anything to stop him.

He ripped my top and I was left in only in my bra. I was pleading for him to stop and also shouted for help but it was of no use. Suddenly someone punched the man on his face.

I looked up to see Taehyung. I was crying while covering my body. Taehyung came to me and covered me with his jacket. He then went to that man and started beating him mercilessly.

Js: S-Stop it!!

He stopped beating that man and came over to me.

T: A-Are you hu-hurt anywhere?

I just nodded and cried.

T: I called the police. They will be here any minute and take that man away.

He comforted me and I suddenly lost consciousness.

Taehyung's POV.

She was unconscious. The police came and took that man away. They also informed me before leaving that the guy was someone who rapes any girl he sees in the night and they weren't able to catch him and today they luckily did.

I carried Jisoo in my arms before covering her properly. I went to my room and laid her down on the bed. I covered her with a blanket and slept on the sofa keeping an eye on her.

She didn't deserve that. She was a cheerful girl and I hate seeing her in this state. I would've killed that guy if Jisoo hadn't stopped me then.

Jisoo's POV.

I sprung up. It was just a nightmare. No! It can't be true! I was sweating and my heart was racing fast. I started crying thinking about last night.

It was all true. I covered myself with the blanket and Taehyung came in before knocking. I looked at him and he looked concerned. He sat on the bed beside me.

T: Everything will be alright. Cry all you want.

If it wasn't for him then I don't know what could've happened to me. I don't even want to imagine it. I hate myself feeling so weak.

I kept my head on his shoulder and cried. He was patting my head. I felt a little better.

T: Are you hurt anywhere?

Js: I hurt my leg when I fell.

T: I am coming.

He left and came with a first aid box. He applied ointment on my wound and blew on it. It was giving me butterflies. He gave me his shirt and shorts which was of course not my size. His shirt was oversized.

I took a long bath while rubbing everywhere that guy touched me. I was doing it over and over. It kept haunting me. It was the worst nightmare I could have.

I wasn't feeling good so I sat on the bed. Taehyung came to me with some porridge. I told him I would eat it by myself but he is so stubborn so he fed me.

Js: Thank you for yesterday. If it wasn't for you then I don't know what could've happened.

T: Are you alright?

I shook my head while looking down.

T: Everything will be good.

Js: Did you inform anyone?

T: I did. To your parents and others.

Js: They would be so worried.

T: I told them that you will be with me for a few days. I also told them you are not good right now so they will visit you in the evening.

I nodded. I will be staying with him? I still haven't lost my feelings for him. I can't go anywhere right now as I am so scared and traumatized by the incident. I can't bear to live alone for now.

Js: Don't you have work?

T: I took a break to take care of you.

It warmed my heart. It made my heart beat faster.

T: You should rest.

I nodded and went to sleep. It was all nightmare coming in my sleep. I can't sleep because of it. I started crying again. I am not used to showing this side to anyone but he saw me in this state.

It's really hard to forget about everything.

Time skip.....

My family members and friends were visiting me. They were so worried about me. Some were crying too. They already left. Before going my parents told Taehyung to take care of me.

They trusted him very much and treated him like their own son. We were childhood friends after all. He always came to my house to play when we were children.

Taehyung was helping to go to the bathroom by carrying me. It was time to sleep as we already ate. Taehyung was sleeping on the sofa while I was sleeping on the bed.

I wasn't able to sleep thinking about all that. I checked on him to see if he was still asleep by watching him. It looked like he was so I decided to call him.

Js: T-Tae? Are you asleep?

To be continued.....

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