Chapter:- 18.

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Author's POV.


❤️💬 liked by ynieee_, jisooyaaa_ and 4,267 others

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❤️💬 liked by ynieee_, jisooyaaa_ and 4,267 others

destructive_knj: Isn't she cute?🥰 @jihyo.p


jihyo.p: Ofc I am but you are too🥰
|destructive_knj: 😊

sana_m: @jihyo.p is flirting? Can't believe it😱
|jihyo.p: 😒

m.yg: Can't believe you are being flirty
|destructive_knj: I wasn't able to believe that either when you were being sweet with my sister

black_yim: She is cuter than me and you are cute too

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Hoseok was teaching choreography to the kids with Momo. They always teach together but for some reason Hoseok admired her. He also doesn't understand the feelings he has for her for about a year now.

He didn't tell anyone and always kept it to himself that's why no one helped him understand his feelings. The practice was over so everyone left leaving Momo and Hoseok.

He took a bottle and drank it as he was really tired from all that teaching. Momo went and sat on a chair and when she looked at him, he looked so hot because of sweating while he was drinking.

She looked on the other side as it was making the atmosphere hot. She tried controlling her emotions but failed. She looked at him again but this time he was looking directly at her, making it more hard to control.

H: You want some?

He asked showing her the bottle he was holding.

M: N-No, I-I am good.

She denied stuttering and faced the other side.

H: Let's go! It's time to leave.

M: Y-Yeah!

H: Why are you stuttering?

M: A-Am I-I?

She asked but it also came out as a stutter. She stood up from her seat and went to take her bag.

H: You are. I'll drop you off.

M: No, it's okay. I'll go on my own.

H: Did I do something? Are you having a problem with me?

M: N-No! Who said?! Why will I have any problem with you when you didn't do anything.

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