Chapter:- 04.

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Jisoo's POV.

This is Jisoo. I am 22 years old. I have two siblings and I am the middle one. I came back to South Korea from Switzerland 5 days ago. Yesterday my best friend confessed to me that he has feelings for me.

I am thinking of what to answer him. I am currently shopping with Jennie.

Jn: Unnie?

Js: Yes?

Jn: Do you like this one?

She asked me for my opinion. She was holding a blue coloured small frock and showed me.

Js: It's beautiful and will look great on you. You should definitely get that.

Jn: Okay! You know? Our choices of dresses are the same!

She said excitedly.

Js: I know that.

We shopped for about 3 hours. It was Jennie who was picking outfits and only asked for my opinion. We also bought some jewelleries and some make up.

Js: Jennie, let's go home. I am tired. We already shopped for 3 hours.

Jn: Okay.

Js: I will drop you off.

Jn: Sure!

I dropped her off in front of her house and went to my apartment. I got a call from Taehyung.



[Jisoo! Are you with Jennie?]

[No, I dropped her off at her house. Why?]

[I was calling her but her phone's switched off]

[Oh! I see! About that, her phone is dead that's why she isn't picking your calls]

[Call her after sometime]

[Okay! I'll hang up now]

[Yeah! Okay! Bye!]

He hung up after that. Gosh! How am I going to tell him that I also love him. I can't! Why is he making it hard? I went abroad to complete my studies because of him.

I can't have feelings for him because of someone. I would have gladly accepted his confession but I can't. I want to accept but I also can't betray her.

I was in deep thoughts when my phone buzzed. I saw that it was from a group. I opened the chat.


You were added to this group by Nini. Do you want to be in this group?


I clicked 'yes' to join the group. Gosh! Jennie!

Ok everyone!

I thought that our group
didn't have a group chat
so I made it

I don't want any complaints
and questions of making
this group chat and I
don't want anyone leaving
this group

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