Chapter:- 10.

174 13 9

Author's POV.


❤️💬 liked by jeon_kook, park

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❤️💬 liked by jeon_kook, and 3,854 others

wwh_jin: I am World Wide Handsome Jin, you know?


jeon_kook: You didn't give credit to me
|www_jin: Photo credit to @jeon_kook
|jeon_kook: You look ugly
|wwh_jin: Ugly starts with U so you are indirectly calling yourself ugly
| When did you get this smart hyung?
|wwh_jin: I was born intelligent, you know beauty with brains? That's who I am
|destructive_knj: Serves you right @jeon_kook
|jeon_kook: I hate you all

m.yg: The day he calls himself ugly I'll give you all a party myself
|kim_th: The day you are waiting for will never come
|jrj_kim: We know right? You'll grow old and die but the day will never come

sunshine.hobi: This is the 2584895th time you are telling us hyung that you are WWH
|wwh_jin: That's very less
|wwh_jin: I should say more
|ynieee_: When will you stop?
|wwh_jin: Never!

bae_rene: You indeed are handsome
|wwh_jin: Finally someone who appreciates my handsomeness
|lali_m: She is saying that because she got traumatized hearing that all the time
|rosie_is_rose: 🤣🤣

sunshine.hobi: I sense something between @wwh_jin and @bae_rene
|m.yg: Me 2
|destructive_knj: Me 3

black_yim: You are handsome oppa
|wwh_jin: Ikr? But my friends here don't appreciate my handsomeness

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