Chapter 11

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"I... I trust you." Said Bakugo out of nowhere.

Aizawa smiled and continued to hug Bakugo.

"I'm ready..." Muttered Bakugo after a few moments.

Aizawa paused.

"For what?" He asked.

"I'll tell you." Said Bakugo simply, but Aizawa understood.

"Ok." Replied Aizawa.

"...Can we go somewheres else?" Asked Bakugo, seeming to feel insecure talking about it out in the open.

"Yeah, sure." Replied Aizawa, smiling toward Bakugo to try and calm him, knowing that Bakugo must be feeling quite nervous.

After a little while, they had settled down in class 1-A's homeroom, the door locked.

"I..." Started Bakugo, trying to say something.

Aizawa stayed quiet, just waiting patiently for Bakugo to continue speaking.

"My mother... She... She isn't very nice." He said quietly, looking down to the ground, trying to hide his face.

"What do you mean?" Asked Aizawa, feeling it appropriate to ask, though not that all intelligent in social cues.

"She goes too far sometimes... And she... And she..." Bakugo said, struggling to continue speaking as the memories of the many times his mother had done horrible things to him come to his mind. Sobs echo throughout the room.

Aizawa slowly approached Bakugo and embraced him, Bakugo embraced Aizawa back as he cried into Aizawa's shoulder.

"She beats me-!..." Said Bakugo, struggling to get those words out through the sobs.

Aizawa squeezed onto Bakugo tightly, only to loosen once again.

"It'll be alright... I'll save you." Said Aizawa.


"I can't believe Bakugo pushed you like that! You can't just let him do that to you Izuku-kun, you have to let Aizawa-sensei know!" Said Uraraka, rather infuriated at Bakugo for pushing Deku.

"Uraraka-chan, it's alright. I'm fine." Replied Deku, smiling at her.

"That doesn't matter, he still did it. It just isn't fair." Muttered Uraraka.

"It's not Kacchan's fault, Uraraka-chan... I mean, yeah, he can be mean, but I know he doesn't mean it. He can be kind, I've seen it and even experienced it! Even though he'd never admit it... But, there's something wrong. I have a horrible feeling, and... There was this one time where I saw... Some bruises on Kacchan. They were bad, really bad, Uraraka-chan! It was really horrible... I asked him about it, and... It didn't go well..." Rambled Deku, worried about Bakugo.

"What'd he do...?" Asked Uraraka.

"That's not important, Uraraka-chan! Kacchan is getting hurt, and I wanna know why!" Yelled Deku, tears coming out of his eyes.

"Sorry..." Muttered Deku immediately after.

"It's alright, Izuku-kun. But... What do your think is going on with Bakugo?" Asked Uraraka-chan.

"Well, auntie Mitsuki... I'd doubt she'd ever beat him. She may yell a lot, but she seems to care for him. However... I don't know why, but I have a feeling that's not the case..." Muttered Deku.

Uraraka gasped at the implications.

"You think-...!" Yelled out Uraraka.

"Mhm..." Nodded Deku.

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