Chapter 4

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I walked into my house and took my shoes off. Once I walked into the main home, I looked up and saw my mother waiting for me by the door. I gulped. Oh no, what's she gonna do this time... My face turned red, and sweat dipped from my face. I walked toward my mother.

"Good afternoon mother. What is it?" I asked.

"Ah, Katsuki... You see... I was wondering why you walked into first period just as the bell rang." Said Mitsuki in her evil, fake voice. What!? Aizawa contacted my mother? This isn't fair, I technically wasn't late! Oh no, I'm gonna be in big trouble... Was what was going through my mind.

"He said that you weren't exactly late, but in order to prevent being late in the future I should talk with you and maybe come up with a plan. So sit." Mitsuki said, motioning toward the chair right across from her.

I didn't exactly want to sit down, but I had no choice. I sat down.

"Now, have any suggestions." Said Mitsuki. I just sat in my chair quietly, not really knowing what to say.

"You have a voice, now use it!" Yelled Mitsuki.

"Uhm... I could always-" I started, but was unsurprisingly interrupted.

"Oh, shut up brat. Now, what we are gonna do is: if you even are a second late to class again, I will beat you till your eyes are nothing but white." Threatened Mitsuki. I nodded. "Now go to your room!" I quickly sat up from my seat and speed up the stairs and into my room. I sighed. I hope she allows me to go to work today. I thought.

I stood up from my bed and put on my work uniform. Once I was done with doing that, I walked out of my room and downstairs, heading for the front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Asked Mitsuki, her arms crossed.

"I'm going to work, mother." I replied.

"No you are not. You're quitting." She said.

"But-" I tried to object, but she didn't let me talk.

"No buts. You're quitting. No more work, it's unnecessary." She said. I just nodded, too scared to object her once again. I turned back around and went upstairs.

Once I was upstairs, I pulled my phone out and clicked on the contact named "Yuki"

Hey Yuki, I need to talk to you. Come meet me at the park at 10 tonight.
Ok. See yah later!

I waited impatiently as the hours flew by, not knowing what to do, only to just stare at the clock, my anxiety increasing by the second.

This lasted until it was about 9:40 pm, and I had decided it was time to sneak out of the house. My method of sneaking out was simple and cliche: the window. All I did was open the widow, stick my legs out, and get down from there.

It was about 9:42 by the time I reached the ground. I wiped the dirt off of my pants and started heading toward the park.


I soon made it to the park with about 5 minutes to spare. I looked around the park for a bit before I made my way to the swing set and sat down.

It didn't take long before Yuki arrived.

"Hey Kat, why didn't you show up for work today?" Asked Yuki as she sat in the swing next to me. I stayed silent.

"Well, how has your day been, Kat?" She asked.

"Uhm... It's been good. What about you?" I asked.

"I'd say the day was rather good. All I was missing was a fluffy haired Pomeranian." She joked. "So... What'd you call me here for?"

"Uhm... I... I'm quitting." I blurted out. Yuki just looked at me shocked.

"Huh? But why?" Asked Yuki.

"That isn't important." I replied, not really knowing what to say.

"But it is important. You're quitting, and I need to know why." Yuki said, her eyes tearing up. I sighed.

"Yuki... I have no choice. My mother is forcing me to quit." I replied.

"Well then, do something... Do anything! Please..." Said Yuki desperately.

"Yuki..." I said, not really knowing what to say.

Yuki just sat there, looking down, distracted. However, it didn't take long before she said something.

"Ok. If you really have to quit, then quit. If you ever even cared, then don't quit. See yah, Kat." Was all that was said. It filled me with a void, but there was still hope in her eyes, and that gave me hope as well. Despite my mother's abusive behavior, she can be nice at times. Maybe if I ask her, she'd give me some mercy.

After a few minutes, I finally sat up and left the park, heading for home.


It was the next day-a Friday. I got up from bed like normal and got dressed. I then went downstairs to see my mother sitting at the breakfast table.

"Hey, mom." I said, greeting her. She didn't really answer. Maybe asking her is a bad idea, I thought, but then I remembered Yuki's hopeful look in her eyes, and I suddenly felt determined to go through with the plan.

"Uhm, I wanted to ask you something." Mother finally turned her head toward me.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Well, you know about my job?" I started. "I was wondering if you would have mercy on me... And, uh... Allow me to keep the job."

Her face morphed into one of anger.

"HAVE MERCY ON YOU!? YOU!? ALL I EVER DO IS GIVE YOU MERCY! You're lucky I haven't even disowned you yet. And no. You're not keeping that pesky little job." She yelled.

"Please, mom. I can-"

"Oh, you whiney little bitch. You fucking her, huh!? That little whore with the white hair? Yeah, that bitch. Is that why you wanna keep your job? To see her? Well, tell her goodbye because you're never gonna see her again." She yelled once again.

I just stood there, my gaze toward the ground, my expression full of sadness. I wanted to cry, but I held it in.

"Get out of my face you bitch, or else I'm gonna give you a reason to cry!" She threatened.

I just grabbed my bag from the floor and ran out the front door, not looking back. Could this day get any worse?


Nothing really happened that day, nothing abnormal really. Yeah, maybe getting a little bruised up here and there, but nothing really unusual for even that weekend.

Monday was here.

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