Chapter 14

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Bakugo was uncharacteristically quiet the whole day, to the point it concerned those around him.

Soon, during break time Bakugo made his first move.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa..." Said Bakugo as he walked up to the man.

"What is it Bakugo?" Asked Aizawa, curious as to what he had to say despite his face and tone showing nothing but monotone.

"Uh... Can we talk outside?" Asked Bakugo, his demeanor more closed off than normal.

Aizawa's eyes softened, however may have gone unnoticed to the untrained eye.

"Okay, problem child." He replied as they made their way out of the classroom, prying eyes as curious as ever.

"Hey dude, you know what's up?" Denki asked to Kirishima.

"No dude, I have no clue... He seemed more calm and closed off than normal. You think he's alright?" Said Kirishima, replying to Denki's question.

"Yeah, nah, definitely not. This is Bakugo we're talking about! Somethings wrong if he doesn't get annoyed or pissed off for a certain amount of time. It's been too long, something's up." Replied Denki, completely serious on this topic.

Kirishima nodded his head, completely agreeing with Denki.

"What is it you want to talk about problem child?" Asked Mr. Aizawa, having ready guessed the answer.

"I... How do I become free...?" Bakugo asked, looking down onto the ground before finally looking up at his teacher. His eyes looked tired and sad, but Aizawa could see the hope shining within them as well.

"Do you have evidence?" Aizawa asked, trying to help out the young Bakugo.

Bakugo stood quiet for a moment before lifting his shirt, revealing harsh bruising all over his previously covered body.

Aizawa's eyes widened, and his chest ached seeing his student in pain like this, especially having it be due to their own mother. Aizawa valued his students, like they were his own children. He couldn't let Bakugo be hurt any longer.

"That'll be evidence enough, I'll make sure of it. And if not, don't worry, I will protect you. You won't ever see her again either way." Said Aizawa, his eyes uncontrollably turning red due to anger, his rage quite apparent in his tone as well as his expression.

Bakugo looked shocked. However, eventually he just smiled, tears falling down his face as he hugged his teacher. Aizawa couldn't help but hug back.

He's made a decision, one he knows he won't regret.

"Hey, Bakugo?" Said Aizawa, as if he was asking if he could say something.

"Hm?" Was Bakugo's reply, it sounding muffled against Aizawa's shirt.

"Do you wanna... perhaps live with me?" He asked.

Bakugo immediately pulled away, his eyes even more wide then before, tear stains and snot all over his face, and he began to cry again. He launched himself back into Aizawa's arms and started to cry even harder.

"Y-YES! YES, I WILL! THANK YOU...! THANK YOU SO MUCH...!" Bakugo yelled out through his sobs, every single tear that was forced not to be shed came running down his cheeks, relieving him, allowing him to feel free for once in his life.

He was happy, excited, joyful.

All these things that he previously couldn't enjoy, came at him in full force, and he couldn't help but keep himself latched onto Aizawa.

Aizawa chuckled, pulling him into his arms and putting his head.

And so they enjoyed each other's presence, and a newfound relationship they found themselves in.

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