Chapter 16

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Bakugo had been having a rather good life ever since he had gotten away from her.

He knew it was for the best, and he'd admit it was everything he ever wanted and more. But sometimes he couldn't help but miss her, and what they once were. She was his mother after all.

But Bakugo also knew that they could no longer be together as a family. What she had done is irreparable to their bond, and Bakugo really doubts Mitsuki would ever want to do anything to repair their broken relationship.

That mere thought was enough to bring Bakugo to the brink of tears. However, he also felt relieved in a way. His mother has abused and traumatized him. If she was out of his life, that meant that he was no longer at risk by her. She wouldn't be able to lure him into her arms once again, to only squeeze too tight until he could no longer breathe.

Though, sometimes Bakugo wishes that everything was different, and that Bakugo would be able to run into his mother's arms again without a care in the world. Though, Bakugo can't ever forget her shouts as he had told her he was moving out.

"You ungrateful little bitch!! You go whine to the grownups just cause of a little hit here and there? You dramatic whore, no wonder why I've been treating you this way, huh? You just want attention—sympathy, and the only way for someone like you to get it is pull a stunt like this!!! You know what, I don't care. Go die for all I care."


And she had hung up just like that.

It had left Bakugo feeling empty inside. A whole as big as a black hole, tearing up anything in it's path, destroying whole galaxies.

However, Bakugo knew that it would pass eventually. He would feel better again, and he would move on. His memories, his hurt, may never leave him. But, he knew that it was okay, because now he could move on and be happy.

To finally live in a home where he wouldn't constantly be on edge for the next outburst, to have to pick and choose your actions carefully for the least amount of fallout.

Now, he can laugh and smile, with a father he couldn't have ever asked for.

Uhhhh, Idrk if I have properly written an ending, and I am willing to perhaps recon this and add a few more chapters for a better ending, but it really depends on your guys' opinions. Also, once I decide on if this is actually completed or not, and then complete it, I will add some epilogue chapters! I just wanted to post this to see how you guys would feel about it, as I am not sure. Commenting would be appreciated, thank you. ^-^

And yes, it's short, I know. I intended for it to be way longer, but the way I wrote it made it seem that it'd be best to end it there.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 14 ⏰

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