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In this story both Yuu and Mika are human and none of the events in the anime happened

Shikama is mikas father(he has no mother she died after giving birth to Mika)
(in most stories Mika will be given his human parents)

Yuu's last name is amane(his parents didn't try to kill him or themselves)

(sometimes I'll give them younger siblings like the kids in the hyakuya orphanage will be their siblings and since I don't know their names except akane I'll give them all other names and sometimes I'll make stories of the in the orphanage)

They're 15 in this au


Yuu sat in his class waiting for Mika to came in, it was really weird for him to be late for school

After afew minutes tye teacher was calling the register when she got to Mika, Yuu's eyes lit up hoping too see Mika raise his hand or to just hear his voice

"Mikaela?" the teacher called "Mikaela Doji?" she called again the teacher looked around then she called Yuu "Yuichirou" she called "Do you know where Mikaela is?" she said walking over to where yuichirou sits

Yuu looked at her with a saddened expression "I'm sorry ma'am I don't know where he is" Yuu said with so much sadness in his voice you'd have to be deaf to miss it "I see..." the teacher said sofly "well if you do see him give him these so he can catch up" the teacher gave Yuu the papers "alright then" Yuu said taking the pages and putting them in a file

The teacher walked back to the front of the class and continued teaching

An hour later the bell rang for next period and Yuu sighed packing his things and putting them in his bag as he got ready to leave

"hello there Yuu" Yuu heard a familiar voice and sighed looking up too see his friend Shinoa infront of him but of course she wasn't the only one the others were there too "why so gloomy Yuichirou?" Shinoa asked with abit of a giggle, "heh"one of the others snorted "isn't it obvious?" the person no one could mistake as anyone else, the pink hair, the voice and the most noticeable of all his hight, at this point you'd call him a telephone pole, anyway his name is Kimizuki

"huh? What's so obvious?" Yuu asked obliviously as the others laughed "since you're so stupid that you don't even realize it I'll tell you" Kimizuki said as he sat on yuus desk "you're only this gloomy because your princess isn't here" Kimizuki said amused

"princess? What princess?" Yuu asked "ugh, mikaela obviously" the Tsundere blonde known as mitsuba said with her arms crossed and the 'pussy' behind them known as Yoichi nodded "tch, will you guys just leave eme alone" Yuu said as he picked up his bag and walked out of the classroom

The day was extremely long in Yuus opinion because he was worried, 'what if Mika died in a car accident, what if he broke a leg, what if he was kidnapped because of how beautiful he is, what if he was killed on his way too school, what if he was ra-' Yuus mind went through all the worst possibilities but just then the final bell of the day went and Yuu jolted up and he was the first one out of school

And off to Mikas house he ran...

With mika(start of the day till school comes out

The alarm rang for Mika to get don't for school but mika found it hard to get up because his body was aching, he had a bad headache,his stomach was hurting,his nose was stuffy and overall he felt like shit

Mika finally got up and turned off his alarm clock, he got dressed and went to go and brush his teeth and wash his face and when he looked in the mirror it was needles to say that he looked like shit

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