
477 3 29

Human au

Yuu is a mega simp(I'm sorry but I love simp Yuu)
Yuu confesses to Mika regularly
Yuu and Mika are the same height
Yuu and Mika are best friends

When they say 'too much ecstacy' it's a figure of speech meaning, they're feeling a deep emotion that could drive them somewhat crazy

Strong language(filtered)
Toxic crush
Mild harassment
Yandere vibes in a way
Crazy Yuu/Crazy Mika
Jealous Shinoa


"Yuichiro please stop this nonsense" mikaela said with a sigh, Yuu furrowed his brows, he walked closer to Mika and grabbed both his hands in his own "but..."yuu stopped and looked down for abit, he then suddenly shot up and continued what he was saying "I just wanna be your sweetheart" Mika sighed 'here we go again' he thought to himself, he pulled his hand out of yuus and was about to walk away when he felt someone grab his hand "fu-king come here" Yuu then squeezed mikas hand tightly "yuichiro please stop it" Mika winced at the sensation of the squeez, it was quite painful "Give me your heart" he said then he stopped squeezing on mikas hand "just you and me, to infinity"

Mika would be lying if he said he didn't think yuu's efforts where admirable and honestly he didn't know if he felt the same way as the raven hair'd boy "I'm sorry Yuu-chan, but I have to go now" Mika said as he left yuu I'm the park they where standing in

After Mika left Guren walked up to Yuu after witnessing more times than he can count, he really thought 'lover boy' should give up on this "how do you feel this time yuichiro?" Guren sighed "you should really give up on Blondie" he said "it feels difficult to breath..." Yuu said with a red face "come on did I told you it was a bad idea, no use in crying now"

Yuu wasn't listening to what Guren was saying, still with a flushed face he put his hands to his chest and looked at his hands "I can't fu-king breath" he said as he started shaking abit "yuichirou calm down!" Guren said urgently 'shit his having a panic attack' the panicked man didn't know what to do, but suddenly yuichiro stopped shaking, lifted his head up and out his hands infront of him so he could see his hands "what the actual fuc-" Guren said with a look of disgust and concern at how yuichiro was looking at his hands "too much ecstasy" Yuu said with a crazed look on his face.
Cheeks flushed,crazy smile,widened eyes and drool falling from the side of his mouth, saying he looked like a mad man would be an understatement...

Next day in the cafeteria

Yuu saw Mika sitting with his friends and him being as obsessed as he was he ran up to Mika and pulled him out of his chair

The cafeteria became quiet as they awaited the black hair'd boy's new attempt at asking out the blonde

"mikaela please..." he looked at Mika with a determination in his yes, Mika looked at him with confusion "please what?" he asked "Kiss me on the lips" yuu said, eveyone was shocked at how bold he got overnight, but then again, he was bold from day one "W-what?..." Mika's face flushes red at what was asked of him "yuu-san leave him alone" Shinoa demanded with an angry look on her face, she then pulled his arm so she could force him to follow her and stop paying such attention to the popular mikaela 'why does yuu san even bother with him? I wish he would ask me instead' she mentally sighed as her thoughts ended, Yuu glared at her and pulled his arm away from her, he then went back to paying attention to Mika

Yuu put his hand on mikas neck "choke me on the floor" he put his face closer to mikas and slightly tilted his head as his face got red and he had a crazed look on his face "Drag me around" as he said those words he let go of mikas neck and put his one hand on mikas waist and the other in mikas hand as he dragged the poor blonde into a make shift dance, he danced until he saw a wall and smirked "push me right against your door" he pushed Mika into the wall and let go of his hand, with his free hand yuu grabbed both of mikas hands and put them above his head
Right not mikaela was a blushing mess, then yuu moved forward and started nibbling on his ear

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