What To Do In Time Of War

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Vampire Mika
Human/Seraph/half demon Yuu

Another war started


Not much yuumika, very little actually

Yuumika modern au at the end as a bonus for not having much/any yuumika in this story, the story took an unexpected turn as I had forgotten my original idea and just went with what I was thinking
I deeply apologize(probably) for the inconvenience of this being just a normal story without much to any yuumika, again I apologize but I hope you enjoy it regardless

Now let's get on with the story shall we!


A war between the humans and vampires broke lose after the defeat of abadon the seraph that holds the 5th trumpet, after abadon had fallen all those on the battle field had either fled or fought longer

Fled in fear of abadon reawakening or the Hyakuya child becoming the salt king once again, they fled in fear for their lives

Others stayed to fight some out of will others because they were ordered to

The war had gone on non-stop for 2 months straight and everyone had to admit they were tired of it, they had grown so tired of it to the point everyone decided it was a free for all, they'd kill their one kind, they'd kill the opposite side, they'd kill everyone and everything just so the war could end sooner, everyone was restless and enraged about how long this war was taking, it was too much, so much to the point others took their own lives, in short almost everyone was driven to the brink of insanity but that was only the humans

The Vampires on the other hand enjoyed the show before them, some fighting,others leaving,others watching the show that has been displayed Infront of them

The Shinoa squad + mikaela,Ferid and Crowley all sat in one place deciding who to help and who to not help so far they were coming up empty
"I say we help the humans" ferid said "I agree" yuu said excitedly "no!" Mika ordered "aww but why Mika poo?" Yuu and Ferid said in unison

Mika smacked his face and glared at the two "so not call me 'Mika poo' and we have to leave, not help anyone and go!" he said "I agree with mikaela" Shinoa said walking up to the trio, Mika have her an unimpressed look "wether you agree with me or not, I will make you follow me" he crossed his arms and swayed his hips to one side "haha, I do appreciate such a tone mikaela-san" the purple midget said as her lips with that fake smile twitched upwards, her eyes closed and clear anger on her face, is her lips twitching, teeth griding and the fact she's clawing at her hand isn't enough to convince you, I'm not sure what is

Mika ignored her and turned to Yuu and Ferid once again "Come on Mika don't be so heartless, the grape is only trying to be helpful to you" ferid walked up to Mika and slapped his ass

Mika shuddered at the sudden impact to his butt-ocks, he turned to ferid with a disgusted look on his face as the silver hair'd vampire clung to his side, I've his shoulder and held him 'lovingly'

Yuu glared at Ferid as the old man smirked "don't look at me like that little yuu-chan" he chuckled "my sweet mikaela must certainly be used to this by now" ferid said as he ran his thumb under mikaela chin and caressed the blondes cheek with his index finger

Mika glared at him and grabbed his hand, flipping him over and pulling the silver hair'd creeps wrist clean off his arm, Yuu smiled as he went to Mika and hugged him "good job Mika, next time I'll cut it with my sword so it won't grow back again" he said coldly

"hahahahahahahaha" Ferid giggled as he was flipped through the air "come here now, I know you wanna play with mika Mika more but nows not the time" ferid continued giggling as his hand jumped out of mikas hold and back to ferid
"I still don't understand how he is able to do such a thing..." Mika and Crowley said in unison as a flash of uneasyness played on their faces

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