You Promised

608 8 40

Human school au
Short chapter
Yuu is obsessed with mika


Yuu sat with mika on the rooftop during their lunch break

"hey Mika" Yuu said then sipping of his juice, Mika looked at Yuu questioningly "why aren't you eating?" Yuu asked and Mika smiled "I'm not hungry" Mika said "alright.... Mika if there's anything wrong please tell me" Yuu said and Mika crossed his brows with a soft smile "I'm ok Yuu chan don't worry" Mika said sofly as an anime sweat drop fell from the back of his head at Yuus absurd imagination because in truth Mika was ok and yuu was just over thinking

"I'll be back alright" Mika said as he got up "where are you going?" Yuu asked "bathroom, what, wanna come with?" Mika said with a smirk and Yuu chocked on his juice as a blush crossed his face, Mika giggled "yuu chan sure has quite the imagination" Mika said slyly "Just go" Yuu said covering his face and Mika chuckled and walked away

After afew minutes Yuu was sad that Mika hadn't returned

Yoichi watched yuu with pitty, he had seen everything from start to finish and he walked over too Yuu

"hey Yuu are you ok?" he asked, Yuu looked up to Yoichi "yeah just worried about Mika" Yuu said with an obviously forced smile, "why don't we go look for him" Yoichi said with a small smile and Yuu perked up gleefully "Yea let's" Yuu said as he quickly got up

Yuu and Yoichi searched for Mika for abit and when they found him he was standing in an empty passage

Yoichi looked at him and his eyes widened, Yuu ran to Mika and embraced him in a hug "where were you!?" Yuu asked and Mika chuckled abit "sorry for being gone so long, I just ran into some trouble is all"

Yoichi looked at Yuu and then at Mika "what happened to mikaela San?" Yoichi asked and Yuu looked confused, Yuu pulled away from Mika and looked at him and soon after his eyes widened "MIKA WHAT HAPPENED!?" Yuu yelled, Mika touched his forhead and smiled abit "I fell off the stairs" Mika said with a small chuckle "we need to get him to the infirmity" Yoichi said and Yuu nodded, Yuu picked Mika up bridal style and took him to the infirmary in a rush

Later that day Yuu and Mika walked throght the park with mika latching onto Yuus arm and Yuu talking about something too him, people in the park were staring at them weirdly and another woman took her child's hand and looked at them in an odd way as she walked away with the little boy

"that's weird" Yuu said looking at all the people who looked away as soon as he looked towards them "wonder what's their problem" Yuu said with a frown", mika looked at Yuu sympathetically "Yuu-chan, why are you crying?" Mika asked

Yuu looked confused at what Mika was saying and so he touched his face and his eyes widened "I didn't even notice" Yuu said chuckling alittle bit and so their walk continued

Yuu and Mika sat in yuichirous bedroom while Yuu was fiddling with his broken controller Mika was reading a book

"If you don't stop you'll break it even more" Mika said as he flipped a page "what would you know" Yuu said playfully "I know what you're like" Mika smirked looking up from his book as he and Yuu laughed "Mika" Yuu said and Mika hummed in response "promise you'll never leave me" Yuu said sadly as tears streamed down his face, Mika looked up from his book and pursed his lips together "Yuu chan I would never leave you" Mika said as he hugged yuu "please don't cry, I hate seeing you in pain" Mika said as Yuu buried his face into mikas shoulder "I love you Mika, please never leave me" Yuu cried even harder "Shh, shh, I promised didn't I?" Mika said Caressing Yuus head as he drifted off to sleep

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