The Pool

191 3 2

Human au

Mika doesn't get along with the Shinoa squad (except Yoichi, he thinks his cool)/ yuu and the Shinoa squad don't get along with the Vampires (except Yoichi, everyone likes him, he has no enemies you see)

All these characters live in the same dorm, each dorm is like a house and has many rooms for many people, even now they still have 6 extra rooms in their dorm open



It was a really cold day, smack in the middle of auntum, winter was just around the corner and oh boy was it cold out today, no one in their right mind would ever go out in such wether, people where in their blankets, cozy and warm in their houses while drinking hot beverages...

But, not everyone is that normal, yuichirou hyakuya and his gang, all of which decided that today was a good day to swim

"and why did we have to come with you again?" Kimizuki asked whirl shivering in his trunks "I get your idiot friends but, WHY US TOO???!" Lacus yelled, he too was shivering in the autumn breeze
Lacus looked to the side and saw that afew tree branches were frozen "LOOK!!, ITS EVEN FROZEN!!, WHAT KIND OF A MANIAC ARE YOU YUICHIROU!???" Lacus continued to yell, Yuu giggled and spun around, he too was shivering of the cold, but, unlike the other two, he was not in a trunks, yuichirou had decided to strip completely naked, with only a cloth with a string covering his junk
"come on Lacus, you've got to just..." yuu paused so he could step up a stage for barbecue and stuff, he spread out his arms as far as tehy could go, it almost looked like he was trying to scare away an animal "✨let it go✨"  he smiled happily after saying his stupid line

Lacus, Kimizuki and mitsuba all yelled profanities at him
"IF WE GET SICK YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY YUICHIROU!"  mitsuba yelled as she dropped to her knees, the cold clearly taking alot of effect on her, she was wearing a two piece swimming suit
"I still don't understand how we all got stuck here with you people..." Horn said letting her ponied up hair lose as to keep her warm... To an extent that is
"it was mikas fault we ended up here" Renée said as he lied on a beach chair "and as always, we followed him" Renée, who was in a thick blue jacket with a scarf and think trecksuit pants with snow boots was laying, sipping on his coffee as if it was lemonade on the beach-side

Mika who was sitting next to Renée, he too not dumb enough to actually put on his swimming clothes in such weather chuckled "it's not a aid I forced you here" he sat back and smiled with his legs straight and one ankle over the other ", sure has a way with words huh" Yoichi laughed shakily as he shivered "Yuichirou, the pool has bits of ice in it!!" Shinoa said as yuu carried her as if she was a log and was about to throw her in the pool "that's why it's so perfect" yuu said happily, he looked as if he was sparkling with joy

"why is it so bright" chess said as she tried shielding her eyes from the boy who got them in such a situation, she was so cold she didn't even want to move from her spot, she was in a one piece swimming costume with a little skirt at the bottom

"AAAAAGHH!!!" they heard a scream and quickly looked to who it was


A loud splash was heard and they saw Shinoa in the pool, she cried angerly, all they could do was pitty her as no one (except yuu) was willing to go into that pool

Shinoa slowly made her way out of the pool, she was shivering heavily, she had chicken skin and she was blue on her arms and legs, he hair was soaked and she had small bits of ice in her hair
When she got out of the pool she was dripping wet from head to toe, chess hurriedly got her a towel and put it over her "t-thank you" Shinoa said weakly

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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