Yuu? And Yuu?(part 1)

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Obviously still an au

Human Mika


René and Kimizuki are Besties because why not

! Warning!

Strong language
Mentions of suicide
Mentions of blood sacrifice
Mentions of murder

If you're not comfortable with any of this I advise you to not continue any further as the language bit starts right at the beginning

That's all folks


Mika Pov-

The day was going pretty well, I woke up,ate breakfast and went to school, the day was going as normal.... But then after school when me and my friends went to the park a strange portal opened up in the sky

No one's pov-

"WTAF IS THAT!?" Lacus yelled "oh shit" Shinoa said her mouth agape as she took a video "this is gonna be one hell of a story" Shinoa said now grinning "Really? You're taking videos at a time like this?" Mitsuba said with a monotone voice, being done with Shinoas crap

"I hope that thing takes me" René said with a small smile "me too" Kimizuki and René smiled abit hand in hand hoping the portal would take them away "You two really need to get your mental health checked" mitsuba said with a scowl "I must agree, we should get you guys some therapy" Yoichi half joked "are we just going to ignore the big portal in the sky?" Yuu asked looking at the thing with awe "because if we're not I say we try and jump in" Yuu said with a dorky smile in an extremely enthusiastic way

Mika looked up at the portal without saying anything the entire time that was until he saw something in the portal "hey guys what is that thing?" Mika said squinting his eyes to look at the portal better

Everyone looked to Mika and then at the portal too spot what he was seeing, and there was indeed something in that portal but they didn't have time too look when a huge gust of wind blew and a bright light shone

Yuu ran over to Mika and grabbed him closer to him shielding mikas eyes in his chest and closing his eyes while holding Mika securely

Mitsuba held onto Shinoas waist as she was still video-ing everything

"SHINOA PLEASEEEE STOP" Mitsuba yelled still holding onto her "but mitsu look at all this, it needs to be recorded" Shinoa said voice full of enthusiasm

Yoichi and Lacus held onto René and Kimizuki who were still hand in hand smiling at the sweet relief of probable death

"I can't wait to die" Lacus said still with a small smile "I agree" Kimizuki said with the same expression "Please take us away" Kimizuki and René both said in a chanting tone

"we should have clung onto yuu and Mika" Lacus said looking sorrowfuly at Yoichi, Yoichi nodded in agreement as they let go of Kimizuki and René and hugged eachother for dear life

When Yoichi and Lacus let go of them, Kimizuki and René walked forward still hand in hand and started laughing "OH GUARDIAN OF WIND TAKE US AWAYYY" They yelled out in a monotone voice

Everyone looked back at Kimizuki and René who were walking forward slowly but surely

Shinoa chuckled "look at those creepy bastards mitsu" mitsuba stared at them with a look of *really?*

Mika turned away from Yuus chest and giggled at René and Kimizuki saying their weird shit while walking forward "they're comedy gold" Mika said with a chuckle "they creep me out" Yuu said hugging Mika even tighter now "stop being a baby Yuu" Mika said with a slight smirk "shut up mikaela"

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