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Abit of sexual activity

Human au

Yuu is taller than Mika in this story because why not


Mikaela Hyakuya and Yuichirou Hyakuya have been best friends since their time at the orphanage

Mika and Yuu were kicked out due to the fact they were too old to remain there

The boys are currently high-school students and roommates at that

They stay in a decent sized dorm and they always have food and water so far life isn't bad at all, the best part to the two of them is that their friend akane who was adopted when she was 10 ended up in their high school

Let's see how school treats our boys shall we


Yuu was sitting on the rooftop looking down at the empty field when he heard a noise behind him "aren't you supposed to be in class?" he heard a voice and when he looked up he saw none other than akane "yea but I don't feel like going" Yuu said sighing heavily, akane set down next to him and they just stared at the field in a comfortable silence

After afew minutes they heard a sound and when they looked they saw no one, Yuu and Akane looked at each other with fear "did you h-hear that too?" Yuu asked and Akane slowly nodded


"AAAHHH!!!!" Yuu and Akane screamed now clinging onto each other for dear life and the sound

"BAHAHA, you should see your faces" They heard someone say and they saw a flash of light "the others will love too see this" the person said as they pressed down on what looked to be their phone

When yuu and akane calmed down they looked at the person angerly "MIKA!! THAT WASN'T FUNNY" Yuu yelled and Mika giggled abit "sorry sorry, but what are you guys doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class" mikas asked taking a seat next to Yuu "yea... Wait Akane and Mika why are you guys here during class time no less?" Yuu asked "we could ask you the same thing" Akane and Mika said simultaneously "but seriously I didn't feel like going to class today" Mika said laying down on his back staring at the sky "me too" akane said following mikas lead

Yuu stopped talking for abit and stared at Mika for abit, his shiny skin and golden hair looked so angelic in the sun "Yuu?" Mika said but yuu ignored just imagining something very...... Weird... "Yuu?" Akane said putting her hand infront of Yuus face "is he blushing?" akane asked "well that's not all that's going on" Mika said and akane looked confused "what do you mean?" akane asked "look" Mika said pointing to yuichirous pants and he giggled abit "take a picture" akane said "why?" Mika asked "if we tell him what we saw without proof his not gonna believe us, or he will bug will just deny it" akane said an dmika smirked taking his phone out and recording yuichirou because why not

When mika and akane were done recording yuu they kept trying to wake him but it was no use so Mika and akane looked at each other and decided they're not even gonna bother trying to wake him and so they lied down and not too soon fell asleep

Yuus fantasy right now(pretty odd to day the least, if you're not comfortable with reading whatever I'm about to write you can skip to when it's over)

Yuu lied bored on the couch of his dorm room

He sighed as he kept twisting and turning but just then he looked up and saw something he'd never seen before "is this real?" yuu thought ribbing his eyes and what he saw made him blush

Yuumika(aka Bottom Mika) Where stories live. Discover now