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Yuu and Mika are step brothers in this au and this chapter is inspired by the book 'brothers love' so go and read it if you haven't because it's really good and it's a human au

Fujo_Tess is the creator of the book 'brothers love' so go and read it I guarantee it's worth your time (I think it's discontinued tho)

If you're not comfortable with step brothers love going further than brotherly love I suggest you leave


Mika and Yuu were lying in Yuu's room with Mika lying on Yuus shoulder and Yuu lying with a scowl on his face but he'd never admit that he was secretly enjoying it, he probably doesn't even know that his enjoying having his beloved brother on his shoulder

"Mika!" they heard a voice call and both yuu and Mika paled at the voice "hide me yuu chan" Mika said getting up and frantically jumping up and down

Yuu got up and also started wondering around "uh.. Oh-um..." you looked around frantically looking for a place Mika and himself could hide "OH!" You said pointing over to his closet as he and Mika ran into the closet and closed it

"he might find us here" Mika whispered and Yuu smirked going over to the back of his clothes as he ushered Mika to follow him and it revealed a door, and so he opened it and that's where they stayed for the time being, the only problem with it is that is was too small

"you should really make this place bigger" Mika said while his hands were on yuus chest "yea it's usually just for me to be in when you're doing extra curricular activities" yuu said with his arms around mikas waist and his face resting in the crook of mikas neck "I see, well how'd you make it without anyone knowing?" Mika asked

Yuu didn't reply but Mika shuddered and his face flushed red "y-yuu-chan what are you doing" Mika asked, but it was more of a statement than a question "nothing" yuu smiked then repeated the previous action causing Mika so shudder once again "stop it" the poor blonde said now clutching onto the boys clothes, Yuu smirked then repeated the action and when he finished he faced Mika with a smirk on his face "stop what?" he asked knowing Mika would either be too embarrassed to say it or he'd say it while his embarrassment shows plain as day

Mikas face got even redder as he stayed quiet then yuu put his fingers under mikas chin and pushed it up so he could face him "what should I stop Mika?" yuu said with a mischievous grin "s-stop..." Mika said but stopped before finishing even a small bit of his sentence "I can't hear you Mika" yuu said in a taunting way, Mika then hid his face in yuus chest then mumbled something inaudible "what? I can't hear you" yuu said knowing what the blonde was going to say but he wanted to hear it from his mouth

Mika paused then bit his bottom lip looking up at the raven haired boy with an unimpressed expression "s-stop... Licking.. My neck" Mika flushed red which caused the raven to chuckle "are you sure?" he asked slyly and Mika nodded "you're the boss" yuu said with a smirk and an evil glint in his eyes

Mika moaned abit as his eyes widened and he looked at the black haired boy who acted as if nothing happened

"you...I-... WHY WOULD YO-" Mika tried to yell but he felt a pair of lips on his neck "don't you dare bite me again" Mika warned and Yuu chuckled knowing that biting his neck once again wasn't on his list, no no no, not at all, right now all he was gonna do was suck, nothing too bad, atleast that's what was going around in yuus mind as he sucked on the blonde boys pale neck

"a-ah~" Mika tried to keep his voice low and inaudible "y-yuu~", yuus face reddened as he listened to the other boys clearly trying to keep it hidden but failing miserably moans and he stopped then looked at the red mark he left on his neck

"shit..." yuu paled as he saw the mark on mikas neck then thought about what krul and Guren would do to him if they found out

Mika's eyes widened as he put a hand to where he was sucked then quickly removed his hand at the remaining saliva on his neck

"we have to hide it" yuu said and Mika nodded with agreement "Krul and Guren are going to kill us" Mika said "What do you mean by 'uS'? They're gonna kill me!!" yuu whisper yelled "I mean you do deserve it" Mika rested his head on yuus chest and closed his eyes for abit while listening to the raven boys heartbeat to sooth himself from the stress of their parents finding out

When mika rested his head on yuus chest, Yuu smiled then held Mika closer and hugged him tightly "let's stay here for the night ok?" yuu suggested and Mika who was already falling asleep reluctantly agreed and so yuu sat on the small chair in the room and put Mika on his lap

While mikas head was on yuus shoulder and Yuu was holding him from around his waist they both had fallen asleep and won't be up till the next day


"MIKAELA,YUICHIROU" a voice called out causing Mika and Yuu to awaken and when they woke up they both blushed profusely as mika was onto of yuu and when he got up they were in an... Interesting... Position

"BOYS!! GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Krul yelled again

Apon recognizing the woman's voice they paled and quickly got up and out of yuus secret closet room and they walked out of the room in a hurry and quietly shut the door as to krul wouldn't hear

When they finished they ran out of the closet and back into yuus room where they saw krul and Guren angerky standing there

"and where were the two of you?" gurwn questioned with a glare, Yuu and Mika shared a look and tried explaining

"uhh, I- uhh"

"you see we were...."


"uh.. We"

The boys stuttered trying to come up with a lie but everyone stopped when they heard krul gasp

"MIKAELA WHY DO YOU HAVE A HICKEY?!?!" krul yelled angerly

"WHAT!?" Gurens face twisted to a form of pure anger and confusion

Mikas eyes widened and his face reddened as he covered the spot with his hand "I-it's just a mosquito bite" Mika said

Krul and Guren poked at eachother knowingly

"hey mosquito come here" Guren said gesturing towards Yuu

Yuu and mikas faces flushed extremely red

"haha, is love to talk but we gotta run" yuu grabbed Mikas hand and quickly ran out of the room hand in hand with mika as Guren and Krul yelled for them to 'get back here' and afew more stuff, but they never stopped and ran out of their house and into their yard while their angry parents chased after them


I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter and thank you for reading it😅

Have a good day and goodbye

Yuumika(aka Bottom Mika) Where stories live. Discover now