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Vamp Mika

Still an au


Mirai(kimizukis sister)

Random bunch of kids


Mika and Yoichi had been walking around the abandoned town for awhile now looking for any sort of adult life but they could find none so they headed back to the temple they were staying in and they didn't know how to tell everyone they couldn't even find a trace of human life and felt the situation would be awkward if they had

They got back to the temple and didn't know what to do so they decided to act as if they were making jokes

"Hahaha that's hilarious" Mika said hoping they wouldn't catch onto the fact that it was an act "do you wanna hear what happened next?" Yoichi asked equally as nervous or even more nervous than Mika "yes I would love too" Mika fake smiled as he and Yoichi walked into the room Yuu,Ferid,Kimizuki and Lacus were in buy instead of being ignored they were greeted by a glare of 'I'll kill you' by Yuu so Mika and Yoichi both walked out the door and went to who knows where

Yuu heard Mikas voice and perked up but he heard how happy Mika was with Yoichi which made him alittle jealous so when Mika and Yoichi came in he unwillingly glared at Yoichi but he ended up scaring both Mika and Yoichi so they left...

"my, my Yuichirou, what a charmer" Ferid put a hand over his mouth and giggled "Shut up ferid" Yuu said coldly "oh? Scared we'll scare mikaela again are we?" Lacus mused and walked over to Yuu placing an arm over his shoulder "don't worry kid if anything you'll scare him" Lacus smiled brightly and Kimizuki sighed "can you guys stop teasing yuichirou? It's obvious he is sad about scaring mikaela so don't go making him look angry or he'll scare him away again" Kimizuki said while holding one of the many babies that were there

Yuu looked up at Kimizuki with a glare then one of the kids got up looking very angry "Mr Yuu why did you scare the pretty boy and that cute kid away?" the little girl huffed her cheeks angerly "YEAH THAT WAS MEAN" another kid on another side of the room stated folding his arms looking at Yuu angerly "but the blonde guy is more cute than pretty" the boy said "no way, his more pretty than cute!" one of he other kids got up pointing her finger at him "nu uh his pretty" another kid pushed the little girl who was pointing her finger down and looked at her angerly but he didn't care he was more interested in the debate of whether Mika was cute or pretty

Now the room of children was split in half, one half claiming Mika was cute the other he was pretty of course they all agreed he was both cute and pretty and that Yoichi was cute but they were now trying to decide which one he was the most

The children were arguing until Renée show'd up with Mirai on his back and little Mirai was yelling excitedly "come on out brother Mika is wearing high heels and he looks so pretty!!" she yelled enthusiastically signaling for Renée to turn back and show everyone "are you coming?" she asked as Renée went running with her still on his back

When Yuu heard Mika was wearing high heels his face instantly went red "Yuichirou is being a pervert" one of the little kids said and Kimizuki looked down and smirked "yes and it's always for mikaela" he said "but don't Sha that again ok, it's bad" Kimizuki gently like VERY gently scolded the child and the kids eyes widened with surprise "ITS BAD!?" He yelled then quickly nodded covering his mouth with both hands "don't tell anyone ok? Shh" the kid said putting a finger over his mouth

"hey guys were is yuichirou?" Lacus asked and Ferid giggled pointing to the window where everyone except the three in the building stood now everyone was watching Mikaela walk in heels "I knew yuichirou was a simp" Kimizuki said and Ferid and Lacus happily agreed

After hearing that Mika was in high heels Yuus mind went completely blank and he dashed out of the room before anyone could notice

When yuichirou got out of the building to where Mika was he saw that Mika was about to fall and so he did what any other overprotective friend would do, he ran and slid under Mika so Mika could fall on top of him "ugh" Mika grunted when he fell and after hearing giggled from everyone around him and looking up too see Renée smirking and so he looked down below him and saw the reason he didn't fall flat on his face

"Yuu-chan!" Mika yelled in a rather low voice "hey Mika, you ok?" Yuu asked and Mika nodded getting up but once on his feet he started to wobble and so Yuu held on to him as support with mika putting his arm over Yuu's shoulder and Yuu held Mika's hand while Mika was struggling to keep his balance (look at the picture at the top)

Mika looked too krul "Krul I can walk in high heels fine so what type of high heels are these?" Mika asked and Krul shrugged "we all tried it when you were gone but none of us can walk in it, it's like it's enchanted because everytime someone with a different foot size wears it, it either shrinks or grows so it might be enchanted" she said

Yuu looked at Mika "are you standing ok now?" Yuu asked and Mika nodded "alright I'm gonna let go and slowly move back alright" Yuu said and Mika nodded so Yuu slowly let go of Mika and moved back even slower

"Hurry it up yuichirou" Mitsuba said angerly "alright, alright jeez" Yuu said now moving back alittle faster which wasn't fast at all and so Shinoa,Krul and Renée pulled yuu back Shinoa pulled his shoulder krul pulled his collar and Renée pulled his hair while mitsuba was holding Mirai and Yoichi was sitting on the ground and they were laughed at Yuu being dragged

"Alright mikaela when you're ready try and walk to us" Krul said and Mika nodded walking forward but this time he was walking better than before "yeah you go Mika!!" Yuu silently cheered on as too not make Mika lose his footing

"krul, these shoes keep getting heavier" Mika said now stumbling "Mika!" Yuu raised his voice abit "yuu-kun is a simp" Yoichi giggled "I agree" Mirai happily said

Mitsuba looked at Mirai questioningly "and how do you know what a simp is?" Mitsuba asked and Mirai smiled "Big brother Shiho always calls Mr Yuu a simp" Mirai said with a great big smile "I'm like my big brother" she said happily and Renée smiled abit and patted her on her head, mitsuba smirked and put Mirai down and let her sit on the grass next to Yoichi "the big bad vampire Renée can smile?" She mused and Renée just scoffed and crossed his arms then looking back at Mika who seemed to be having a harder time than before

Mika grunted doing his best to stay on his feet but he almost fell yet again and Yuu was quick to try and catch him, only Mika didn't fall but instead regained his footing and walked further and further with Yuu walking around him just incase he fell

Soon the shoes got heavier just as Mika was getting used to their weight and he almost fell but of course yuichirou was there to catch him "Mika I much prefer you in those thigh high boots" Yuu said and Mika snapped his head towards the idiot "What?" Mika asked while Yuu was still holding him up "well you see you look very pretty in all the things you wear but those boots are easier for you to walk in so ditch these shoes and go get the boots" Yuu said now holding Mika with his arms around mikas stomach and his mikas head on his shoulder "you see Mika if those shoes hurt you I am going to destroy them" Yuu said looking done at the heels with a menacing glare and not long after that they became lighter around mikas feet "oh they're light again, you must have scared it Yuu-chan" Mika said looking up at yuu who decided that now was the right time to carry him "oh? Well serves it right and who cares let's go to your room and get this dumb shoes off your feet" Yuu said still carrying Mika bridal style while walking past and ignoring everyone around him and off they went to mikas room to get him out of those devilish shoes...


I hope you enjoyed and goodbye

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