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Twenty years ago, there were hundreds of us. Fifteen years ago, the Raknash came and massacred our army. The Raknash, a species of lizard people native to the planet Narvasia. They have long snouts that end in a blunt curve, and they're body is covered in dark tan scales with splashes of brown.

Their lower jaw hides a dozen rows of razor-sharp teeth while their upper jaw has two rows of venomous fangs that fold in so they are able to close their mouths without killing themselves. The eyes of these creatures are a light red with their pupils slit horizontal and vertical to make a plus sign in each eye. Their hands have a crushing grip strong enough to bend titanium. At the ends of each finger stands a two-inch talon sharp enough to slice through steel with ease.

To top it all they have a five-foot tail that adds onto their freakishly large build. Each one of the Raknash average six feet tall and two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle. They're favored weapon is a sword and dagger hand crafted by their race. I am the only elite alive out of hundreds of us. The elites are a highly trained group of swordsmen, We elites know how to use any blade and wield it with deadly accuracy. Unlike the Raknash who have scales to protect them we have power suits.

These suits are made with a metal alloy harder than diamond yet lighter than carbon fiber. Our only color is black and the armor is fitted to personally conform to the soldier who wears it. Our helmets are black as well, except for four slits in the front making a "V" shape. These visors are different colored, Custom made by the wearer of the armor. Mine is a light shade of blue so it doesn't hinder my sight in darkness or battle. My left and right hand have Gauntlets on them, and with one flick of my wrist two daggers spring from them. The blades are of the same metal as my suit, only they have a red stripe going down the middle. The blade starts out straight, then at midpoint of the blade it curves up to make a hook like shape and the hilt is midnight black just like our armor. Honestly, everyone that knew me said they looked like velociraptor talons. On my back is my prized weapon, a long sword I call Kaldeum. The hilt of the sword is one foot in length. Engraved and laced with golden designs that go all the way up to the hand guard. It's made of an element that we found on Narvasia and never got to discover what it was before the Raknash wiped us out. The hilt seems to glow as if the moonlight was always shining on it even in the daylight. The blade is four feet in length from tip to where the blade meets the hand guard. the blade is made out of the element we found on Narvasia and dyed a light charcoal gray. The edges of this blade are razor sharp on all sides. But the most unique thing about my blade is if you laid it on the ground and laid down in front of the tip, you would see the blade is actually diamond shaped.

These top and bottom edges are just as sharp and deadly and the side edges and makes this blade a one-of-a-kind deadly weapon. On all four sides I had these words inscribed on it "breath by breath, I will not fail". The four edges run the entire length of the blade and come together at the tip giving it a devastating piercing effect. The entire blade has no need to be sharpened, which makes it even easier to maintain while out in the wilderness fighting. We figured it was because of the element we used to make the sword might have an anti-dulling agent in it. Now before I get ahead of myself, my name is Maximus and I am the last elite. My new mission is to cripple enemy forces and get back to earth in one piece, while also exacting my revenge for my fallen brothers. 

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