To Be A Lover - Billy Idol (Jotaro x Reader) 🍋

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Y/N sat on the couch, organizing the yarn for her next knitting project. As she arranged the fluffy soft yarns, deciding which colors she should combine and in what order, her mind wandered. Usually Y/N would flip on the television, having a movie or show providing background noise while she made her creations. Today, however, she worked in silence providing a fertile breeding ground for her thoughts.

In her introspection Y/N examined her life, the wife of Dr. Jotaro Kujo. When they met it had been a steamy romance. Y/N met the dashing Jotaro in a biology class in college. He had been so shy and silent, stunningly handsome. She had certainly noticed the attractive young man, how could she not? He was stoic and carried an air of mystery, not to mention he was huge! Tall, dark and handsome indeed.

But despite the enjoyable glance here and there, she didn't think much of Jotaro. He was out of her league and honestly she hadn't gone to college to find hot guys. She really didn't have time for her friends, much less a romantic relationship.

It seemed he wasn't interested in much but his studies anyway, trying to shoo girls away any time they tried to approach him. In fact, the thought had crossed her mind that he was gay, it would explain his deflection of all the bimbos attempting to throw themselves at him.

That all ended the day Jotaro approached her after class. She had taken longer than usual to gather her things. Having a difficult time focusing had caused her to be a step behind when class was dismissed. He had seen his chance to speak to Y/N alone as the classroom cleared of students.

Y/N was zipping up her bag, when a shadow crossed her desk. Looking up, and then up some more, she saw Jotaro looking down at her. She had been just about ready to stand, but plopped her butt back in the seat with a slight thud when she saw him. She was trapped in his gaze, the brilliant oceanic eyes stunning her to distraction. Holy cow, how did one person get ALL the looks?!?

Awkwardly, Y/N realized how goofy her actions must seem, hoping to erase that from his memory she stuttered out, "Oh! Ummm...Hello?" Mentally she facepalmed, for real? She sounded almost as bad as the bimbos.

"Hello," he greeted in a deep, rich voice. It occurred to her that his voice sounded so warm, she could listen to him talk all day in that tone. Normally, he sounded irritated and short. But she supposed if you were being harassed all the time you would sound that way.

Regaining some of her equilibrium, she grasped the strap of her bag and rose from her seat. "Hello, can I help you?" She had no idea what she could help him with, but she was at a loss of what to say to her classmate. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she smiled slightly at Jotaro.

Y/N had worn her sea life earrings that day; a crystal dolphin with dainty fish and starfish dangling from its tail. They were long and sparkly; her favorite. Y/N loved all animals, wanting to work at a zoo or other animal facility helping to build populations of endangered animals. It would be very immersive work, but she wanted to do something that helped the world, especially the animals who had no say in their ultimate fates.

"I like your earrings. Dolphins are my favorite animal. Do you have plans this afternoon?" He spoke rather softly, his hand straying to his hat. A light blush dusted what she could see of his face and ears. She almost giggled, this hot commodity was this shy? Why should he be, he seemed to have everything?

After a pause that Y/N allowed to go on too long, he had started to turn away with a soft flutter of his long jacket. Realizing her error and shocked that he accepted perceived defeat so easily, she blurted out, "Wait! Sorry...ummm...thank you." It was Y/N's turn to blush, she had practically shouted at him.

He half turned back, his hand at the brim of his hat again. The glance over his shoulder made him look like a model. Y/N took a deep breath and answered the previous question, "I am free this afternoon. Well, I need to check on my dog, and then I am free." She surprised herself at the willingness to give up her free time. Normally she relished her time alone, being out in public was an emotional drain on the introvert.

One and Done:  Sweets and Lemons  (JJBA one shots)Where stories live. Discover now