In Love and Lonely - HIM (Jotaro x Reader)

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Jotaro sighed; these bitches were relentless. Not wanting to give them any satisfaction, he kept his stride measured and leisurely. He really wanted to break into a run and escape the throng of grabbing hands and squealing annoyance. Hands in his pockets, coat fluttering, Jotaro made his way to school with his trail of girls.

'Girls,' he thought. Jotaro had heard the rumors, probably initiated by some jealous bastards, that he was gay. Rather than anger him, the talk amused Jotaro. They could have all the girls, he had no use for them. He wanted a woman, mature and strong, able to put him in his place when he got out of line. He had only seen one woman at his school. Her name was Y/N.

Although Jotaro had not really interacted with her much, he felt a sense of camaraderie with Y/N. She too was plagued with annoying, immature admirers. She was quiet until provoked. The air about her was confident and tough. He had no problem admitting (to himself, albeit) he was smitten.

But herein lay the problem, no one would have the slightest inkling he was in love. The only emotion he ever exhibited was anger ranging from annoyance to rage. He no longer had any friends who would know him well, able to read the subtle shifting sands that were his moods. And so here he was in love and lonely.

"Yare yare daze," he grumbled. The annoying flock squealed in excitement. They began arguing over who he had spoken to, as if he had words to waste on them. The crowded hallways helped to brush off some of his following bimbos. Their voices faded away into the cacophony of the crowd, the dull roar a bizarre relief to Jotaro.

There was nothing remarkable about his first class of the day. It was to be endured in order to get to his second class. Y/N was the highlight of that class. Hell, at this point she was the reason he bothered to come to school everyday. He managed to pass classes with minimal attendance. His current boost in participation was solely due to his infatuation.

When the bell rang, Jotaro hurried out of class. The couple of classes he had with Y/N were the only two he was NEVER late for. Other classes he took his time, sneaking a smoke behind the gymnasium or beating up some punk who mouthed off enough to be worth an ass kicking.

He held an unspoken, one sided competition with Y/N. They both were back of the room students, the first to arrive taking the window seat. Today it was his. Not that he was all that interested in the outdoors. But she was and this made her look at him as she gazed out at the world outside. He settled into the seat, long legs uncomfortably spread to accommodate the rather small desk.

Students began to file in, chattering and laughing. He wondered what it was like to be garrulous and carefree. Normal childhood had passed him by once he gained about a foot of height on the generally average peers around him. At that point he embraced his oddity and began working out. Already a big boy and genetically gifted, he put on muscle quickly; returning from summer break an absolute behemoth of a man. Then Dio happened. The clinging remnants of youth tore away, just a bit too soon.

Previously unremarkable, save for his mixed ethnicity, with his growth spurt he all of sudden was the center of unexpected attention. Initially it was a mix of jock douches and fangirls. Eventually the bros dropped off, too dull or jealous to persist; most had hoped to ride Jotaro's coattails but instead received a black eye or busted jaw. Now all that remained were the irritating twats.

Y/N strolled in right as the bell rang. Her high heeled boots clacking on the tile, her short skirt flashing a lot of leg. Jotaro tried not to stare as she took the seat next to him but she was stunning. Yet something was off about her, her confidence seemed less prevalent. Tipping his hat down to hide his frown, he watched her from the corner of his eyes.

Settling into her seat, she pulled out a pen and notebook. The facade of paying attention was convincing to most, but Jotaro had observed Y/N often enough to know there was something bothering her. He felt the urge to ask her what was wrong, toying with the idea when he heard clicking on the tile between their seats.

One and Done:  Sweets and Lemons  (JJBA one shots)Where stories live. Discover now