The Little Treehouse in the Woods (Jonathan x Reader) 🍋

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Y/N had grown up alongside Jonathan Joestar, their fathers being neighbors. She loved that when they visited the Joestar estate their fathers would send them to go play as they discussed their personal and business affairs.

As young children they explored the grounds which were massive. As they grew older, they expanded their exploration to include the woods and stream at the far end of the property. Over time the children had developed a deep friendship, each feeling the other was the one person who understood them best.

By the time they were ten, the pair had built a makeshift treehouse in the woods. It was haphazardly built: the limbs allowing for a fairly large 'floor', the walls rather crooked but somehow supporting each other. A small clearing beneath the tree often hosted woodland creatures as the kids watched quietly from their elevated vantage point.

The treehouse was their secret, and over time they fortified and improved the structure. Y/N wasn't normally allowed such endeavors, she was a young lady after all; such adventures were not deemed ladylike. As time progressed the literal trappings of her blossoming womanhood weighed her down. It seemed to Y/N each birthday came with another feminine torture device: corsets, petticoats, stockings.

But when alone with Jonathan she could be herself, he never saw her as anything but an equal. This changed with the arrival of Jonathan's adopted brother, Dio. Despite being 12, Dio would make flirtatious advances to Y/N. He enjoyed the discomfort he inflicted upon her, laughing at her pained expression.

As they grew, Jonathan became her protector. Their time in the woods was now few and far between, making the time precious for them. They were approaching 'adulthood' which came with expectations.

For Jonathan's approaching eighteenth birthday, George and Y/N's father planned a party. The men had discussed the childhood friendship of their offspring, assuming they would eventually marry. The men were pleased with the match. As the servants at the Joestar manor bustled about with preparations all week, George had called for his son to discuss the matter, delighted to hear Jonathan was agreeable to the plan.

Jonathan knew he was approaching the time he would be expected to begin a life of his own, taking a woman for his own and building a family. It was arranged that Y/N would spend the week preceding the party at the Joestar manor, providing an opportunity for Jonathan to propose. The engagement would be announced officially at the social event at the end of the week.

Over the years Dio had continued to harass Y/N, greatly enjoying the displeasure he caused for the pair. Y/N was clearly uncomfortable with his attention, and Jonathan would amuse Dio with his stuffy demands for his brother to cease his efforts. On the morning of the third day of Y/N's stay at the Joestar's, Jonathan suggested they take a walk. They set out after breakfast, enjoying the crisp spring morning air.

Relieved to be unfettered by Dio, he was away for a couple of days to fulfill a prior commitment, the pair walked unobserved. Chatting and strolling the teens found themselves at the edge of the woods, subconsciously having chosen a destination. Jonathan glanced at Y/N, she gave a nod of approval; they would visit their childhood hangout one more time before being engulfed by their adult obligations.

Arriving at the clearing, the couple looked up at their ramshackle treehouse. Y/N giggled at the sight, the little playhouse built with wonky angles. "It looks rather wretched, doesn't it?"

Jonathan turned to Y/N, his gentle smile sharing her good humor. "It looks wonderful! It was the first thing we built together." His blue eyes met hers, seeming to stare into her being. "And now I would like to ask you, Y/N, if you would like to build a life with me. Y/N, would you honor me by being my wife?"

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