Chapter 2

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She was frozen on the spot, there was nothing she could do when she saw him running towards her. His eyes were calling for blood, she could only see hatred in them. Hatred towards her. 

She was thrown back to the moment when he tried to kill her before after Yohan confronted Van and drew out his inner demon. Back then he tried to kill her, she was well aware of that but he stopped. He covered her with his arm and pushed the dagger inside it so she wouldn't get hurt.

 She saw his eyes back then and knew that it wasn't him trying to hurt her. The memories of Wonjeong's death came flashing in front of her eyes. It was the same, his red eyes only looking at her but there he was also trying to protect her. He'd never hurt her willingly. 

Mi-Ho remembered his eyes when he gave her back the piece of the marble. He walked away before he completely changed but she saw his eyes for a short moment. He was so hurt and sad. His eyes always held so much emotion, they were warm and deep and although she knew he'd never admit it, he held so much affection for her, alone in his eyes, it was hard sometimes for her to comprehend. 

But right now she had no idea whom she was looking in the eyes. It wasn't Van and without a second thought she released her powers. A bright light filled the room and pushed Van back against the wall. Mi-Ho trained a lot, especially concentrating and releasing her powers but she never thought that they could have such an impact. 

Immediately she got worried that she actually hurt him. He tried to fight back though, an unbearable sight for her. His skin was slowly burning off showing the dark blood and veins under it. He completely changed, he wasn't the way she knew him. She was prepared for it, she was prepared to see him as a demon but this was beyond her expectations, especially because the first thing he did was attacking her. 

She was stupid enough to take the Vajra with her but it only felt right to take it with her back to Jeju. By now she was able to touch it, for some reason it didn't feel hot anymore. Before when she touched it once she burned her hand slightly because of the heat. She never gave it a second thought, she believed it was because of the demonic energy and her spiritual powers that it felt hot for her. But she strangely was able to touch it after she created the barrier. 

Back then she thought it was because she sealed its owner and the demonic energy was gone but she soon realized that it still held demonic energy because even back in Seoul it was reacting to demons or demonic auras. That's why she always held hope that Van was still alive somewhere. She released another gush of power and Van was pushed against the wall, with a loud thud he landed on the ground.

''Oh my god, Van. I'm so sorry!''
Mi-Ho didn't realize how much power she used until she saw the result. The whole room looked like a battlefield, all her furniture was also pushed against the wall burying Van and her decoration under it. She hurried over to him, fearing that she actually hurt him badly but stopped in her tracks when she felt his presence behind her. He was just standing there staring holes in her back. She could feel his breath and it sender shivers of fear down her spine. He wasn't close enough to make body contact but she felt like she was completely engulfed in his darkness.

Again, she didn't quite comprehend it first when he called her like that a few minutes ago but now again. Did he think she was Wonjeong? Mi-Ho foisted her hands in the fabric of her pullover and with all her willpower she turned around. 

She did not avert her eyes although she barely was able to keep them open. He looked so intimidating, the air around them felt suppressing. She wanted to reach for him, just be close to him in any kind of way. She felt like he needed that. But she couldn't. She was too scared of him. 

He did nothing, he just stared at her. But his eyes only held hatred. Did he hate Wonjeong now? Mi-Ho knew for a fact that he didn't hate her, it tore him apart that he killed her. All of Wonjeong's memories came back to her and she also knew that Wonjeong never held any kind of resentment towards Van. She also just wanted to save him and Gungtan. 

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