Chapter 23

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Wind was swirling around her, the forces of gravity and nature were doing their job perfectly. Mi-Ho didn't know where up and down was, she was feeling like she was being turned around in the air more than one time, making her feel nauseous. Her hair was blinding her vision, she couldn't see anything, neither the sky nor the ground she would surely crush into in a few seconds. She knew that the possibilities of her staying her alive were quite low but she never thought that she would face her end like this. At least she was able to turn Van back human, her original goal she always followed. She did it. She did what Wonjeong wanted and what she wanted. Van was human and they could have shared a beautiful humane life together, but fate always wants it different. Baek wouldn't get what he wanted now, it was impossible. Even if he somehow managed to turn Van back into a demon, she would be long gone then. It made her crack a smile. She was a bit proud of herself for being so bold. For once in her life she didn't run away from her fate. She faced it, she faced Baek together with Van, they stood up to him. They were able to destroy him, or at least Van would be able to now. But would he be able to? He was human now.... Mi-Ho didn't think about that, she just concentrated on breaking the components for Baek's ritual but she didn't think about the next steps. How was Van supposed to destroy Baek as a human.
Sure, he would be able to do it. Maybe Van could support him somehow, he knew how to fight even when his demonic powers were gone.
Thinking about it that way made her feel at ease somehow and she closed her eyes and waited for the ground to welcome her.

''Tell me Van.''
Gungtan slowly crouched down in front of his struggling being.
''Was it worth it?''
''Was what worth it?''
His hand slowly closed around Van's neck and squeezed slightly.
''Marrying your girl, pretending to be human for a mere day and trying to forget that your a lust demon?''
Van's hand reached up to his neck where Gungtan was starting to squeeze more so he couldn't take in air anymore. His fingers closed around the strong hand and he tried to rip it away from his neck. He had no idea why Gungtan asked about this now or if he actually was really curious about it but he would gladly answer his question.

''Every second of it was worth it.''
For a second it looked like Gungtan was struggling keeping Van in place, the though of Mi-Ho alone made him stronger.
''I would risk everything to get another normal day like that pretending to be human.''
Van pushed Gungtan off him and turned onto his back before he stood up once more and faced Gungtan who seemed a bit surprised and overwhelmed that Van actually overpowered him.

''But you wouldn't understand.''
Gungtan's eyes were brimming with hatred, not towards Van but towards himself. Van wondered what happened to him during the time he was with Baek. Did Baek maybe turn his mind upside down? If so there was only one thing that could break through to him. He had to try. It was the only shot he had to get Gungtan back.
''You were different once too. Gungtan.''
He spit blood out and build himself up in front of Van.
''How so?''
The name seemed to stir something inside of Gungtan. So he was right after all.
''She was special to you. Maybe not in the way Mi-Ho is special to me but she was important enough for you to protect her when I wanted to kill her.''
Van remembered too clearly about that night on the island where they killed all those circle members and he almost ended Yeom-Ji's life. But Gungtan saved her then although he also was under the influence of Yool's mind control.
''Cut that bullshit.''
''Why? Are you scared to admit that you actually feel human emotions?''
Gungtan charged at him once more and pushed him down to the ground, gripping his neck.
''I said stop it!''
''She was by your side all these years...''
Van struggled with his breath, he tried to take Gungtan's hands off his neck.
''Why would you keep her with you if you didn't feel anything for her?!''
''I said STOP!''
But Van wouldn't stop. Even if it was rage or hatred right now, he was showing emotions. He was still in there. Gungtan had resented Van for leaving him, he hated Mi-Ho for changing Van but he never showed hatred towards Yeom-Ji, and that's because she didn't leave him alone. Gungtan never wanted to be left alone. He had been suffering as well, he suffered so much. And Van left him. They were brothers and he left him.
''Yeom-Ji was always there with you.''
He could feel how his grip loosened on his neck.
''She never left you.''
Van didn't think that talking about Yeom-Ji would have such an effect on Gungtan but it seemed to work as he slowly retreated and sat down next to Van, his eyes empty.
''You kept her because she was family to you. The family that I never was to you.''
Van pushed himself into a sitting position and looked at him.
''It's not too late to choose a side Gungtan.''
His eyes scanned the area a bit and he saw Mi-Ho and Baek on the other rooftop talking, though Mi-Ho was kneeling on the ground. He couldn't make out what they were talking about and because of his fight with Gungtan he wasn't able to follow everything that had been going on over there. She looked like she was in pain, her face was pale.
''You're pathetic Van.''
Gungtan's hands reached for him in an attempt to attack Van once more but he dodged his fists.
With all the last strength that remained in him, Van pushed himself towards Gungtan and crashed against his body, hitting his head so hard that he lost consciousness.
''No, I am just human.''

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