Chapter 14

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Yohan woke up butler Jang the instant he felt this strong energy erupting from somewhere on the island. He never felt something like that before. It made his whole body tremble and he could feel like his own energy was restless. He knew something happened the moment all the candles in the prayer room turned off at the same time and a cold unsettling feeling lingered in the air.
''Calm down, I bet they are fine.''
''Mi-Ho is not answering her phone. It's normal for Van because he's not used to it yet but Mi-Ho? She always answers my calls.''
''Giovanni. They left for the island to find Van's Vajra.''
''What if something happened? What if something went wrong?''
Yohan was running around in circles not even trying to stay calm. Butler Jang never saw him like that before. He was normally the one who wouldn't get nervous or stressed. But he was genuinely worried about Mi-Ho and Van right now. Butler Jang wasn't able to feel the strange wave of energy Yohan felt but judging by his uneasiness it must have been something very unfamiliar.
They both looked up and around themselves when a new very powerful wave of energy reached them.
''What was that?''
''I don't know.''
Yohan was unsure. He felt something like that before but it felt different somehow, like a mixture of something old and new, something unknown and familiar. It felt pure but also tainted.
Somehow it felt like Mi-Ho and Van.
''Sinbunim, hand me the book please.''
Butler Jang turned around and saw the book lying on the table next to him. He picked it up and carefully gave it to Yohan. They were in the cellar, the lights dim and the air around them was cold. Yohan, frantically turned the pages until he reached the one he was looking for. It was a diary entry of Mi-Ho's mother. Yohan had almost read through the whole book, it was a mixture of diary entries, study entries, research results and some of her thoughts about everything. Small notes were pinned at the pages here and there. Yohan read it but didn't pay that much attention to all her thoughts and theories but right now, there was one theory he read that would match this strange energy they were feeling. He placed the book on the table so butler Jang could also see what was written.
Yohan pointed at one part of the page with his finger.
''I was able to use it now. It felt strange at first, like something took over me but after I got used to it, it felt like a part of me.''
''What is this about?''
''Mi-Ho's mother received a Vajra from the Vatikan but she was struggling with it. She couldn't use it properly. She wrote it all in here but I didn't really pay that much attention to it. She found a way though to use it a bit differently from what the Vatikan wanted it to be used.''
''What did she do?''
Butler Jang leaned over the book reading the next lines. He never read the book. Mi-Ho's mother gave it to him as a keepsake only for Mi-Ho to receive it when she was ready. Butler Jang never knew when that moment would be but for some reason he believed now was the right time. Yohan pointed to the next page.
''She says that she found a way to connect with the Vajra.''
''Connect with it?''
''I did some research. One of my acquaintances in the Vatikan looked something up for me. The Vajra Mi-Ho's mother received belonged to a demon before. It was purified and all but I don't think that the strong energy of such a demon wouldn't still be in it somewhere.''
''Do you know to which demon it belonged?''
''No, brother Raphael couldn't tell me that.''
Butler Jang looked up and faced Yohan who seemed to be full of theories right now.
''So why are you showing me this now?''
''Because the energy we just felt was Mi-Ho's together with a demon energy.''
''Van is with her.''
''Yes but I could clearly feel the two energies radiating from one source.''
The elder man's brows knitted in confusion but also in awe when he slowly realized what Yohan wanted to say.
''Don't tell me...''
''But it could be. Mi-Ho's mother also did it.''
''Yohan, that's a bit-''
Yohan took a small step forward placing his hand on the book.
''But what if that's the case?''
''That would change everything.''
''We have to find Mi-Ho and Van and see what happened on the island.''

Van did not know how long he had been walking now, neither did he know if it was a smart idea to just leave Mi-Ho's car there and simply walk back to the villa. He didn't pay much attention during the drive to the flower field but he sure didn't remember it being that far. Maybe it was more exhausting because he was still carrying her on his back. He didn't know why she fell asleep so suddenly or why he couldn't wake her up. She was breathing so he wasn't worried about it so much but it made him slightly nervous that she wasn't showing any sign of consciousness.

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