Chapter 17

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''Yohan and butler Jang did?''
Mi-Ho was in disbelief. She thought they were in trouble, maybe even disappeared somewhere but now these strange people were here saying that they found a way to destroy Baek? Could she really trust them?

''Do you know where they are?''
''They found the sacred place of resurrection.''
''Sacred place of resurrection?''
Mi-Ho could here that Van was just as skeptical about it as she was but what should they do... they had no idea where Yohan, butler Jang and Yeom-Ji were and if they really found a way to get rid of Baek shouldn't they at least check it out as well?
''They found the offering table?''
''The one from my mom's diary?''
The woman only nodded before she took something out of her cloak and walked towards Mi-Ho who stood her ground. Nothing from this woman felt threatening and when she glanced over to Van she . saw that he didn't seem to be intimidated by her as well.
The woman handed Mi-Ho an old piece of parchment which she unfolded. It was the same drawing from her mother's diary, almost identical to the one she saw in the book in the library. Maybe her mother also read that book and drew the table from her memories... Or she also saw it once for herself.
''This old table is a mystery on this island, no one ever found it before.''
She tabbed on the parchment two times before she continued.
''Except from your mother. She found it and drew it but she kept the location confidential.''
''But it was in a history book in the library.''
''All myths and legends of Jeju are somewhere written down but only your mother found the table.''
''But how?''
When the woman looked up the hill she started smiling.
''Probably the same way your young friend found it.''
Mi-Ho's confusion only grew, this woman seemed to love speaking in riddles. She hated people that were beating around the bush, if she knew something why wouldn't she just tell them.
''And that would be?''
She made sure that the annoyance in her voice was clearly audible to everyone which seemed to piss this man So-Kang on. Was it her fault that she didn't understand what this woman tried to tell her when she only spoke half sentences?
''With faith.''
Oh great. More believers. Mi-Ho respected every religion, she also respected the strong belief Yohan and butler Jang had towards Christianity but she sure didn't need more believers around her. It was hard enough dealing with two of them right next to her.
Annoyed, Mi-Ho rolled her eyes, did they really thought that she would buy that gibberish, she needed a real solution for this problem and not some believer stuff.
''Okay. I think we don't really have the same view on the urgency of this situation.''
Mi-Ho grabbed Van's wrist and pulled him over to her while she was already making her way over to the slope they just crashed down from.
''We will go and look for our friends now.''
''We will surely meet again, Won Mi-Ho.''
''Yeah sure.''
With a huff Mi-Ho pushed herself up the embankment until she reached the street. She got a lot of scratches on her hands when she reached the top, every time she grabbed for something on the ground to pull herself up her skin got ripped by small branches and stones. She was already pissed enough because of her broken car but the insolence of these strange people was on another level. She couldn't understand where they suddenly came from and why they approached them now and what exactly they wanted but she didn't like the way they had been talking to them and about them. It felt like they knew everything about them and that worried her.
''Won Mi-Ho.''
Van came to an halt next to her, they had been walking for some time now and he seemed to have been talking to her the whole time but she didn't really pick up on it.
''Have you been listening to me?''
''No, sorry.''
She turned towards him with an uncertain smile. They were in the middle of the road halfway up the mountain, there were no street lamps and they still had no reception, Mi-Ho lit up the street with the flashlight of her phone for them so they at least knew where they were going.
''What were you saying?''
''I asked you what that was back there?''
''Those people. Why did you just leave like that?''
In a swift motion she closed the gap between them again staring up at him which made him lean back slightly and avoid her eyes. She was making him nervous again. They kind of talked it out back at the villa but there was still this tension between them whenever they were getting close to each other.
''You also thought they were strange, didn't you?''
''They definitely weren't normal that's for sure.''
''I don't know...''
She slowly retreated and looked up at the sky for a moment.
''I just felt uneasy. So much happened lately and I can't judge anymore who are the good guys and who are the bad ones.''
Van titled his head a bit to the side after she said that taking in her contorted expression. She really was confused by all of this, and wouldn't she. Van was used to betrayal and loss , he had to take care of himself alone for over 600 years. Mi-Ho yet had to find out if granny Baek-Joo was with him during all those years. Van knew how to get by alone, how to take care of himself and how to be suspicious enough to protect himself but also trust other people and accept help when he needed it although he sometimes had problems admitting it. Mi-Ho was way more careful about whom she should trust directly and had no problem with pushing people away very fast if she found any trait that was bothering her. She first was very suspicious of Van as well but trusted him fast enough to build the strong bond they had now.
Van put his hand on Mi-Ho's shoulder, making her attention turn back onto him.
''You have a lot on your plate right now. Just focus on what is important to you.''
''But Van, I cannot just ignore other things that are happening.''
''No, but right now you can concentrate on finding Yohan and butler Jang.''
When she didn't reply to his statement he sighed.
''And Yeom-Ji of course.''
Mi-Ho closed her eyes on the mentioning of Yeom-Ji's name. She still couldn't believe how that young girl always found her way into their problems simply ignoring all her duties at school or at home. Mi-Ho took her in to make sure that she was able to study and a live a normal life but all she was doing was getting herself in danger all over again. When they found them she clearly had to talk with her again a bit more serious maybe. But what was Mi-Ho even trying to do acting like a mother to her. She was barely an adult herself, at least not by her mental state. She had too many other things on her mind than thinking about children and family but she wanted to be there for Yeom-Ji.
''I really have to set up some rules for her.''
They kept on walking up the mountain until they reached a huge clearing. The road has ended a few meters before and went on into a grassy dirt road which they followed until they reached some trees. Something about the place felt different then the other small hiking trails that followed around the mountain top. Mount Halla was a very famous spot for hiking, not necessarily by night but by day it was crowded by people of all age. There were different hiking routes, some were more difficult than the others and some could only be taken together with a guide. Mi-Ho thought that Yohan and the others probably didn't take the more dangerous routes and decided to follow a small dirt track deep into the forest, Van just went with her without questioning any of her decisions. She was also able to feel any kind of strange energy now and they both didn't feel anything threating that was coming from the forest it was rather the opposite. Something was calling them. Or rather it was calling Mi-Ho, something inside the forest made her come closer, she felt drawn to it. She couldn't quite tell if it was a source of magic or a kind of power but she wanted to go there and find out.
''Van, do you also feel this?''
For a moment it seemed like he was actually struggling with all the trees and it's branches that were blocking the way but he made his way through and ended up with her on another clearing. The place felt magical, the grass was dray but felt wet, the leaves of the trees looked like they were glowing from the sun although it was deep in the night. He didn't feel it before but now he knew why she asked him that.
''Yeah, now I feel it, too.''
''What do you think that is?''
Van saw something sparkle at the middle of the clearing, something that looked like a rift appeared in the air. He shifted closer to Mi-Ho, slightly standing in front of her, just in case something might happen.
''Guess we're about to find out.''
They could both tell that the strange energy they felt was radiating from the middle of the clearing and now that the air was being ripped apart and this rift appeared it was more than clear where it was coming from.
A blade came through the rift at first, it was followed by a young man, an old man and a young girl. Mi-Ho sighed relieved and saw how Van's shoulders slowly sank in a bit, he was relaxing. They both didn't need another fight right now.
''Hm, oh, Noona.''
The young priest came half jogging towards the pair, his sword still in his hand.
''Why are you here? How did you find us?''
''I couldn't reach you and the barrier around the villa disappeared I thought something happened.''
Yohan turned around towards the rift that was slowly growing together again before he faced her with a small smirk again.
''I have a feeling it might be connected with that place.''
Mi-Ho and Van both leaned over Yohan's shoulder, Mi-Ho to her left and Van to his right to see something inside the rift but the air around it was too blurry to actually make out anything. Was this the secret place this woman talked about? Was there a clue on how to get rid of Baek?
''What was that?''
''The altar.''
Yohan raised his brow before he nudged her playfully.
''You told me to find it.''
''You did?''
He simply nodded.
Butler Jang came forward and inspected her a bit worried.
''Are you okay?''
She totally forgot about the accident and although she and Van didn't get hurt badly, their clothes were still torn here and there and their skin was also dirtied by accident. She waved it off with a smile though.
''We're fine. Just crashed my car that's all.''
''You crashed it? Where?''
Mi-Ho casually pointed over her shoulder like it was the most natural thing.
''Down the mountain.''
''Don't worry. I am not hurt.''
''Still. Why would you walk up the whole way here?''
''And who will bring us down now?''
It was Yeom-Ji's slightly cheeky voice that made Mi-Ho remember that she was also here. When she looked pass butler Jang she saw the young teen stand there at the side watching them all with crossed arms and a little pout. She looked exhausted but fine in general.
''You and I need to talk when we're back home.''
''If we ever make it there.''
''Why would you-''
Mi-Ho's sentence broke off to the sound of a screeching creature behind them that jumped over them and almost hit the rift but it closed a second before the creature touched it. It was a lust demon, they all knew it but it was a bit different again from all the others. Mi-Ho started to think that maybe they were mutating in generations although lust demons weren't able to reproduce, could they? Her thoughts drifted off, she never asked about it she simply thought it wasn't possible but what was there that made her believe that? There was no proof whatsoever it might as well be possible for them to somehow reproduce and then these abnormalities could be explained. But on the other hand those lust demons were created by Gungtan and now by Baek maybe the source of creation was important or maybe-''
''Won Mi-Ho!''
Not again. She let herself completely be consumed by her assumptions and thoughts she didn't realize that more lust demons had been swarming on the clearing. There was one right behind her and if Van didn't cast a spell on it it would have crushed her. When it charged for her it jumped right against the barrier that he just created, she felt his hand around her waist and how he pulled her to side avoiding another attack from another demon.
''Do you have the Vajra?''
''What if I turn strange again?''
''That won't happen.''
They were running over the clearing towards Yeom-Ji who had no protection at all, Yohan and butler Jang were busy fighting demons at the side. Butler Jang seemed to be prepared for everything when he took out two guns with sacred bullets and started aiming at the demons. Luckily Yohan always carried his sword around when he was leaving the villa.
Van took Mi-Ho's upper arms and turned her towards him.
''You need to concentrate. Just do what you did back at the island.''
''But Van, I-''
''Won Mi-Ho!''
His voice was stern just like the expression he gave her. She knew that she had to concentrate, she knew that she had to stand her ground but she was still a bit nervous. What if she lost herself again and this time didn't snap out of it?
''You are not a lust demon, okay.''
Maybe it was something she needed to hear. She never actually thought that there was any possibility for her to have some kind of connection to a lust demon or that maybe some of her blood vessels were actually those of a demon but just when Van told her she realized that a very tiny part of her was actually scared that she might turn into one when she used the Vajra again. She pulled it out of her pocket and tightened the grip around the handle. Van was right, there was no way she would turn into a lust demon. She knew now at least that the Vajra was reacting to her blood so she simply had to avoid getting her blood on the blade. That couldn't be too hard, right?
She nodded with new found determination which made Van take a deep breath before he turned around and jumped off to where Yohan and butler Jang were fighting. He couldn't do much but he created barriers for protection and strengthened their skills somehow.
Mi-Ho felt Yeom-Ji's hand on her arm.
''Don't worry, I'll protect you.''
''That's not it. Maybe you can destroy them with the altar.''
That actually was a pretty good idea which never crossed Mi-Ho's mind until now. But the rift was closed how was she supposed to go there now.
''Yohan just cut the air with his sword, maybe you can also open the rift with this.''
Yeom-Ji pointed to the Vajra in her hands. Doubt gnawed at her. Yohan's sword was sacred with holy power but this Vajra belonged to a demon what if she cut the entrance open and destroy it with it.... But she had to try, she couldn't just rely on Yohan again and wait for something to happen. She walked over to the spot where the rift closed a few minutes ago, she could still feel the immense power radiating from it. She saw Van cut open the air once but he first cut his own hand drawing blood to do so. But when her blood touched the blade of the Vajra she might turn into this strange state again. She first would try it without the blood drawing. She reached down and simply cut the air while reaching up, it felt very strange to cut the air and she felt even dumber when nothing happened.
''Maybe you have to cut harder.''
Yeom-Ji's sweet voice from behind her wasn't helping at all. She looked over to the side and saw Yohan and Van busily holding off the demons she couldn't ask Yohan for help right now. She had to do this on her own. With a deep breath she placed the blade into her hand and closed it around the sharp edges, closing her eyes.
Yeom-Ji sounded alert when blood was dropping on the ground. When Mi-Ho opened her eyes she drew the blade over her skin, feeling a slight pain but ignored it. The blade was now completely covered by her blood the runes on it were already glowing again and Mi-Ho could feel this strange energy that was taking over her body once more. She tried to fight it back though, pushing it away only by her willpower. Her hand reached down once more and she drew a bloody line into the air.
A small rift opened, slowly growing until a walkthrough was open.
She took a step forward and felt herself being pulled in by an unknown force. She felt like she was surrounded by bright light engulfing her completely and not letting her go. It all happened in a second and when she looked around she found herself on a whole different place than the clearing. The air felt different, more fresh and somehow the place appeared to be more bright although the trees appeared to be even higher and growing thicker together. When she turned around the rift had already closed again, Yeom-Ji was still on the other side. Why did it close so fast again? What about Yeom-Ji, what if something happened to her now? She just prayed that Van would protect her for now.
Without another thought she made her way over to the small altar. On it were all kinds of runes and patterns, she recognized all of them. She had no idea how or why but she could understand what they all meant. Maybe she was still under the influence of the now in blood drowned Vajra, maybe her eyes were different, she had no idea. But she was still able to think straight. She still had her own mind. She skimmed the patterns and runes and understood that you could get rid of demons if you give a sacrifice. But what kind of sacrifice wasn't specifically said here. Why did her mother draw this table in her book? How did she find it? The same way Mi-Ho just did? And what did she do after she found it... Her mother tried to get rid of all the demons here so Mi-Ho didn't have to create a new barrier and be taken into this whole supernatural mess. But her mother failed and Mi-Ho had to fight the demons anyway. Her mother was gifted with a Vajra of the Vatican but could it really be the very same Vajra she was holding in her hands right now? Or did it actually belonged to Baek since they found it in his coffin? Or did her mother fail because of Baek? Did he maybe take the Vajra from her and was he the one who killed her? Baek was a myth no one knew if he really existed or when and where, it could be that he was the one why her mother couldn't fulfill her duty back then. But how did Baek end up in the coffin anyway? And if Baek had been around 20 years ago, Van would have known. But he said that he neither met her mother nor Baek or anyone that could actually could have been Baek.
With an annoyed groan Mi-Ho leaned over the table and buried her face in her hands. This was all so confusing and annoying she couldn't believe that she thought last year had been a struggle. This whole situation was too much to comprehend and too much handle. At least in her current state.
But she still had to do something. She could feel the demons swarming on the other side of whatever kind of barrier this was. The strong dark force that was slowly building up made her nervous, she knew that Van and Yohan were string and also butler Jang had some amazing tricks but butler Jang was old and Van still didn't have any weapon and Yohan also had his limits. Not to forget about Yeom-Ji who was probably trying not to be a nuisance but she still had no means to protect herself against these demons. Mi-Ho felt the pressure grow that was slowly forcing her down to her knees.
She was gripping the edge of the stone table so hard she would probably break it if it were build of wood. She could feel her knuckles turn white from the tensed up fingers. Her breathing was slow and controlled while she tried to figure out what exactly she should do here and how. The table said it needed a sacrifice but what kind of sacrifice? Should she just cut herself and use her blood or did it inquire something else? And who said that this thing could actually get rid of the demons then? She covered her face with her one hand, running it up and down hoping to find a solution, fast. She was here behind the barrier in a safe place and the others were fighting. When she turned around towards the spot where she went through the barrier she wondered if she could actually get out of here as easy as she got in. What if Yohan had to cut her out from the other side? What if she was stuck here forever? No. She almost slapped herself when she felt her mind slipping further and further away from the actual problem right in front of her.
With a heavy groan she pushed herself off the ground and looked at the table again. There had to be some kind of hint, some kind of sign that would show her what exactly this table was for. She was ignoring the fact that she understood everything on this thing, the ancient letters were like Hangeul to her she could smoothly read through it. Was that really because of the Vajra?
Mi-Ho let go of it and it fell into the grass on the ground. She waited a bit and closed her eyes when she opened them again the ancient letters were simple ancient letters to her which she couldn't understand at all. Did the Vajra really give her the power to read them? Not asking again she simply picked it up again and her eyes immediately felt different she had to close her eyes once more to get adjusted to the new sight.
Given a sacrifice the table's energy will purify all evil.

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