Chapter 18

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Mi-Ho couldn't trust her eyes, she was too confused to think straight, there was so much going on in her head this had to be an illusion., there was no way that her mother was right here in front of her. She blinked a few times, thinking that maybe that illusion would disappear if she cleared her eyes but it didn't work. Whenever she opened her eyes her mother was still there. Maybe there was something seriously wrong with her by now. All the strange things that happened lately couldn't have left her undamaged.
''How is that possible?''
She didn't know that her voice was working and that even came out so strong and steady. There was something inside of her that made her relax but still be cautious. What she was seeing could only be an illusion or maybe it was her mother's ghost. She was seeing ghosts a lot lately it wouldn't be out of the ordinary. But why would she be seeing her mother's spirit now and here of all places? She didn't summon her, right? Maybe she did it unconsciously while trying to create the barrier... Mi-Ho was too confused to even think about this more.
The body of her mother was blurry, it almost appeared invincible. Like she was fading soon.
''We don't have much time.''
Her voice almost brought her to tears. It was the warmth she had missed for so many years. The softness of her voice made her feel like she was floating all the worries she had a moment ago were gone, not existent anymore in this place.
''Mi-Hoya. Listen to me.''
Like her mother noticed that she was completely lost in her thoughts she pulled her out of them by calling her name. It worked when she was younger and it worked perfectly now as well.

''Look at me and listen.''
Mi-Ho couldn't do anything else. Her mother's voice was compelling and she couldn't disobey her in any way. She didn't want to anyway.
''You opened a path for me when you were setting up the barrier.''
''A path?''
Mi-Ho had no idea something like that was possible but she stopped looking for answers at some point. She had the feeling that on this island everything was possible.
''You can call upon ghosts you must know that.''
Her mother sounded slightly confused about Mi-Ho's question and she fast waved it off with a small 'sure I know' so her mother would continue.
''Your barrier won't change anything. This isn't the place for you to set it up.''
''Then what should I do?''
''You can place one here it will ward off the small demons your friends are fighting but the stronger demons will break through once more. Baek won't be affected by this.''
''What can I do to get rid of him?''
''First you have to solve the problem in front of you.''
Mi-Ho followed her mother's movement when she drew a circle over the stone table and a new light appeared.
''With your sacrifice, table will then help you.''
''What do I have to sacrifice?''
''You already did.''
In confusion she took a step closer to see whatever she had been giving the table as a sacrifice she couldn't remember anything of that sort. For a short moment she thought it was about Van and lifting his suppression but she didn't break the necklace yet so it couldn't mean that.
The light formed a new pattern in the air which Mi-Ho recognized. It was the same that was carved in on the Vajra. Now that she thought about it where did she put it anyway?
One closer look at the table and she remembered. She put it there. Great, now the table was taking it as an offering. Not that Mi-Ho was mad about the fact that she lost a weapon, she had been scared of it ever since she and Van found it but still she was able to fight with it better than before. The small memory of her victory over that one lust demon still made her feel proud although she hadn't been herself back then. Now the small blade looked like it was fading and becoming one with the table.
''Mi-Hoya. That Vajra sparked a power inside of you that you should have never used in the first place.''
''You know what that was?''
Her mother only nodded with a sad smile.
''It is an ancient power that should have been forbidden but the dark forces still were able to preserve it here and there. It was also sealed inside this blade.''
''What happened to me?''
''The pureness of your blood was actually the trigger. Because of your purity and innocence the dark power could be awoken.''
''So it works like a magnet. Like good and evil melting together?''
''Something like that.''
Mi-Ho first wanted to take a small step back when her mother's ghost slowly approached her but what was she afraid of? It was her mother, be it a spirit or not. She sounded like her, she even smelled like her. Mi-Ho felt her hand on her chest right above her scar.
''You were tainted with demon energy but you yourself purified yourself.''
''I was tainted? When?''
No matter where she searched in her memories, Mi-Ho didn't remember any time where demon blood entered her organism. Sure she had been close to demons the past year but was that enough to taint her?
''You received something that had been in a demon's possession for a very long time.''
It didn't even take Mi-Ho a second to know what she meant. Van's piece of the marble.
''That's right. The piece slowly absorbed Van's demon energy and when it entered your body that energy settled inside of you. That's why the barrier was unstable. That's why the demons still had such an effect on you.''
''But Van turned human because of it.''
''Yes he did. Because the piece absorbed his demonic energy.''
Mi-Ho closed her eyes for a short moment. This was something that never crossed her mind before. If the piece was tainted with demon energy why wasn't she changing back then? Why didn't she feel anything different over the whole year?
''I don't really understand?''
''Mi-Hoya. You purified that piece over the past year, that's why you are now able to use all your powers to your full potential. The tainted marble suppressed them. But after you purified it and erased it from your body you are now able to be the priestess you always were meant to be.''
''I erased it myself?''
She didn't know why but that small detail struck her differently. If that was true she actually made Wonjeong disappear from her. Her mother took her hands and held them tightly.
''Look, I know that this is a lot to take but you have to be strong now.''
Mi-Ho couldn't say anything, all she could do was look into her mother's eyes that although she was dead still held this warmth and compassion inside them that always made Mi-Ho feel safe.
''What about the Varja then?''
''The Vajra accepted your blood but on condition to take over your blood.''
''But the marble is gone, there shouldn't be any demon energy be left in me, right?''
Maybe it was a question to reassure herself more than really wanting an answer. She couldn't still hold demon energy, that was just impossible.
''No, it's gone you are right. But the Vajra changed the flow of your blood. You formed a bond with it by offering your blood.''
''But that was an accident.''
''Those weapons don't differentiate between wanted actions and accidents.''
''So what happens now?''
The worry inside of her was taking the better of her. What if the demonic energy inside of her wasn't gone completely and she would lose herself to it again? What if she hurt someone then that wasn't a lust demon? What if she hurt butler Jang or Yeom-Ji, or Van? Mi-Ho's one hand automatically went up to the necklace and she clutched it to her chest once more. She didn't release him yet. He was still human and now that she sacrificed the dagger the demon would be gone and she didn't have to turn him... But she still felt uneasy.
''What about Van? Do I have to set him free?''
''You shouldn't. If anything, you should be able to turn him back completely by now.''
It took her by surprise. Did her mother really know of a way for her to turn Van completely back into a human being?
''Like I said, you purified the marble. I bet you can purify different things as well, like blood for example.''
Blood? Of course, Van was turned into a lust demon by getting its blood into his organism. If she was able to purify his blood only the human blood would be present then. But could it really be that easy? Had the answer to that always been that simple? Could there still be some kind of backlash for them after all?
''Mom, I-''
''I know you have doubts. But when you fight Baek, you have to clear your minds of all those doubts.''
''What exactly is he anyway?''
''I only know that if he gains more power he won't be able to be stopped.''
They felt a sudden strong wave of energy radiating from the table.
''It started.''
''The sacrifice. Now the table will do the rest.''
''What about the Vajra?''
''It will fuse with the table. Won Mi-Ho.''
Her mother turned Mi-Ho's attention back onto her. She looked deeply into her eyes before she hugged her tightly. Mi-Ho could feel that her body was fading now.
''I am really glad I got to see you once more.''
''I still have so many questions.''
When they pulled away from each her mother took Mi-Ho's hands once more into hers that were now starting to sparkle.
''You grew into a fine woman. You will find all your answers.''
''I love you, sweetie.''
Mi-Ho wanted to say something, hug her once more, tell her how much she loved and missed her but the body was already gone, simply leaving golden sparkles behind that were now slowly falling to the ground before they disappeared in the darkness. She fought back her tears, it was only a ghost. It wasn't her real mother and yet she felt like she lost her all over again. She was only here for what felt like a few minutes but those minutes were enough for Mi-Ho to remember everything they did together, all the time they spend together, all the joy they felt during those moments, and all the pain she felt when her mother left her. Now she was gone again and all Mi-Ho could do was look into the sky hoping that she was now finally able to ascend from this place. She had no idea if she really summoned her mother or if her spirit had been here all along, being trapped in this place for such a long time. The strong vibration of the ground beneath her pulled her back to the here and now. The table accepted her sacrifice and it seemed like something was about to happen though Mi-Ho had no idea what it was or how she should prepare for what was about to come. And before she could even take action she was engulfed in a bright light.

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