Chapter 16

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The voice that filled the air that night was filled with horror and small hint of fun. Mi-Ho couldn't decide whether she should cry or laugh. She held on to him like her life depended on it and it somehow did. If he let go of her now she would fall pretty deep. She still couldn't figure out what exactly he was doing. He wasn't flying that was for sure, he somehow just jumped up very high and very fast. It almost felt like they were being catapulted. The force of the wind always knocked her senses out. She felt strangely free but at the same time pretty tightly wrapped up in his arms. They landed safely in front of the villa in the garden. Mi-Ho noticed immediately that the circle disappeared. Van explained to her that it was some kind of spell to call her to the island but she didn't really understand it.

It was only when she felt herself getting closer to the doors without moving that she realized that Van was still carrying her. Van didn't seem to be bothered by it so Mi-Ho tightened her arms a bit around him. The longer she was looking at him the more she realized how handsome he was considering his age. But what was age for a supernatural being. She strangely wasn't bothered completely by the fact that she knew how old he was now. She tried to find out, asking him a lot of times but he always tried to avoid it so she was expecting something like that but something inside of her was nagging at her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it though. Maybe she was nervous how he would look if she ever found a way to turn him back human. Though she hardly doubted that it would actually do something about his looks, not that it was so important to her but she feared that maybe after turning back human he would age very fast and die way too soon and-
''Would you stop that?''
''Huh, what?''
Mi-Ho was completely taken back by his sudden interruption of her thoughts.
''You keep making me nervous with your thoughts.''
''What, can you read minds now?''
''I don't have to read your mind for that, your face tells it all.''
A small squeak left her when he suddenly pushed her up a little bit somehow adjusting her in his arms which reminded her that she was still being carried by him.

''So what was I thinking about?''
''My age.''
''Pff, no I was not.''
Van cracked a small smile that almost meted her off his arms. She barely saw him smile anyway but cracking a sexy smirk like that was something else she could barely handle.

''How long will you carry me anyway?''
''Why, you don't like being carried around?''

Mi-Ho turned her head slightly away from him, trying hard not to keep looking at him.
''It's embarrassing.''
She could feel his eyes on her and it made her crazy. All of this was way too intense for her she had no idea why she suddenly felt everything way more powerful than before. Maybe she was still a bit fuzzy because of what happened in the library. When she thought about it, so much happened during those few hours it was natural that she wasn't able to comprehend all that. It knocked the senses out of her when she suddenly didn't feel the security of his arms around her. She felt herself falling for only a moment before she landed on the softness of the couch cushion.
''What the?''
''You said you didn't want me to carry you any longer.''
''I did not!''
Mi-Ho practically jumped off the couch and build herself up in front of him although she could never reach his height. She looked up at him with a slight frown on her face.

''You can't just let me fall like that.''
''You landed softly.''
''But you let go of me!''
''Are you-''
Mi-Ho leaned back a bit in awe when he suddenly broke off his sentence like he wanted to stop himself before saying something that might upset her even more and she had no idea why she even was this upset right now.

''Are you really making a scene right now?''
Now this was something she didn't hear in ages and for some unexplainable reason to her she couldn't hold back her laughter. She covered her mouth a bit trying to suppress her giggles but they just wouldn't stop. The way he was looking at her was somehow the look her father often gave her after asking her the exact same thing. Mi-Ho noticed before that Van shared some of the traits her father also had but this was something she couldn't keep up with. It felt so out of place for him to ask her something like that.

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