Chapter 20

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Their 'first night' had been quite a mess. It wasn't until Yeom-Ji was fast asleep that Van and Mi-Ho started talking a bit, lying side by side not looking at each other but just taking it their company as husband and wife. Mi-Ho didn't remember a time where they had been able to talk so openly and much like this night. But Van would drift off to sleep soon after which wasn't reprehensible, he should rest every time he got the chance to but it somehow felt weird to lie next to him like that with Yeom-Ji right beside her at her other side. With a new gush of frustration she decided to sneak out of the bed as silently as possible and left for the living room. On the couch, Mi-Ho slowly laid down and stared at the ceiling. One glance at her phone told her that the night barely started so she herself would have the chance to catch up on some sleep. But it somehow felt wrong to spend her wedding night alone. It wasn't that she necessarily wished to sleep with Van but she still wished for his company. But who was she to blame, she suggested that Yeom-Ji would join them, blaming that on the small amount of alcohol she had herself felt stupid even to her.

Another heavy sigh. What was he doing? All of this... was it too rushed? Should she have taken care of all their problems first before giving in to her feelings and desires? Right now there was nothing else she could think about but Van. But had it been any different before? Her mind has always circulated around him. She had never been able not to think about him. The only thing that was different now was that they were actually married, a couple. People in love. And now that it was official it was only natural for them to give in to their longings. Every small touch, every glance they gave each other held a different value now.

Mi-Ho turned onto her side almost pushing herself over the back rest when she met Van's dark eyes in front of her. He covered her mouth before she could scream but released her a moment later with a smile.
''Don't wake up the others.''
He earned yet another small smack on his shoulder, something that probably wouldn't change now just because they were married.
''You scared me!''

Her small screamed whisper made his smile only bigger which made her stomach feel strange again. With a huff she sat up and ran a hand through her long hair.
''Did I wake you? I tried not to.''
Van pushed himself off the ground and sat down next to her.
''I wasn't sleeping.''
''Then why were you pretending to?''
His words confused her. If he wasn't sleeping why didn't he answer her anymore after some time? She was sure that he was asleep. He looked so peaceful and content, almost like a child. His eyes averted hers for a second before he continued to look into hers deeply and said words she never thought he would utter to her.
''I wasn't sure what else to do. All this is... you know. New.''
A small smile crept onto her lips and she leaned forward placing a small kiss on his lips.
''It's not like I've been married before.''
Her hands were slowly sneaking their way up to his neck where she played around with the ends of his hair a bit, slowly shifting closer to him while their lips already met halfway through the motion in a bit more daring kiss. It reminded her of the sensation she was feeling at the beach when he was taking control of the kiss. Her body was pulled forward by his hands on her waist, making her arms tighten around his neck, their chests were now touching. She hadn't been this close to him before and it was making her nervous. But at the same time she welcomed this unknown feeling of anxiety and anticipation. Van's one hand traveled up her back and found its way into her still wavy hair, he titled her head a bit, deepening the kiss, making Mi-Ho gasp against him when his grip on her tightened slightly. She felt her coat being pulled down her arms slightly. She wasn't a virgin but she sure felt like one when his hands brushed over the bare skin of her shoulder. Everything he did right now was catapulting herself back to the time where she was still untouched by a man. She had no idea if he ever had a sexual experience in all his years on earth and she sure wouldn't question that now but it was kind of cute how he was hesitant to touch her further. His hand moved from her shoulder to her neck where he started to massage her soft skin. He carefully broke off their kiss which got Mi-Ho panting slightly, he was an incredible good kisser she wouldn't deny that. Van was resting his forehead against hers before he ever so softly whispered against her: ''Am I allowed to touch you?''
Mi-Ho had no idea if she should laugh or cry, on the one hand it was utterly adorable that he was asking her this although he had touched her plenty of times before, yet here he was actually asking for her permission. On the other hand this whole situation felt so unreal that she believed Yohan or butler Jang would come crashing in on them any moment which made her so nervous and freaked out but at the same time she didn't care. All that mattered right now was Van, in front of her like this, insecure but also fully aware of what he wanted and what he was about to do, what they were about to do. She chuckled softly.
''You are my husband. If you're not allowed to touch me, who is?''
''That's not quite what I meant.''
Now she pulled her head up, breaking off their connection at their foreheads.
''Then what?''
''I mean, I am still tainted. I am still a lust demon.''
''And that has never killed me before, so it won't do that now.''
The urgency in her voice was surprising to herself but she did not care the least. He started this so he should see it through till the end. Without giving him another chance to think about any of it again, she pushed herself against him, taking him by surprise when he fell back with her on top of him, sealing his lips once more in a passionate yet insecure kiss. And damn was she insecure right now, she had no idea how to take the next step though it seemed to Van all the more clear now. He pushed himself back up into a sitting position, wrapping his arms more tightly around her thin figure. They were by now eagerly but also hesitantly undressing each other in the most careful and respectful way they could treat each other, only breaking off their kiss when they were pulling their clothes over their heads. The feeling of their naked skin against each other was an undescribable emotion for both of them. Van's hands on her body, on every part of her, his lips on her skin, their bodies so close to each other, it was too much for Mi-Ho to comprehend. She was lost in her feelings for him, lost in her love. She had never felt this strong for someone before. And she knew he was the same. He was only looking at her face, not at her naked body, not at the place where they were connected, he was simply looking into her eyes. And she was doing the same. The strands of his hair were sticking to his sweaty forehead and Mi-Ho simply placed her hands on both his cheeks, titled his head up and kissed him once more before they both reached their ends.
They were panting against each other, trying to catch their breaths somehow while they were just looking at each other. Van reached up and pulled some of her strands behind her ears pulling her head down a bit and kissed her forehead.
''I love you, Mi-Ho.''
A soft giggle escaped her lips. It would be a problem now if he didn't.
''And I love you, Van.''
Van pulled Mi-Ho's coat around her shoulders and she only realized when the soft cotton touched her how incredible cold she had been. The adrenaline and the strong emotions she felt just now made her forget how cold it was in the huge room. She was shivering but that probably didn't only come from the cold. She was still sitting on top of him, not really covered in any way. She carefully shifted her weight off him lying down by his side when he already took her in his arms and pulled her against his chest. This was somehow a bit strange considering that they both were still naked but also really natural right now. A slight concern crept into her mind though. They were still in the living room.
''We should get dressed before the others wake up.''
''If we not already woke them - ouch.''
Another smack on his shoulder. Yeah, this could become a habit, although she would never hit him hard enough to seriously hurt him.
''You can't say things like that.''
Mi-Ho was burying her face in his chest, her embarrassment taking the better of her. Van put his hand above hers that was resting on his chest and pulled it up to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on it which made Mi-Ho once more shiver all over again.
''But we should get dressed, you seem to be cold.''
''I am not.''
''But you're shaking.''
It felt off to call it real shaking, it was just her skin that was running goosebumps and making it look like she was actually cold. Once again she was taken back by the fact that Van noticed that small fact but it also made her feel warm at the same time that he was so caring. But when she thought about it he had always been caring, especially for her. Even when he didn't want to admit it. He sat them both up and they fast got into their clothes again.

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