Chapter 3

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Mi-Ho stared at her counterpart as if she was looking into a mirror and saw a ghost behind her. The woman in front of her was the exact likeness except for her clothes. While Mi-Ho was wearing a long black skirt with a white blouse the other woman had a red Hanbok with a blue skirt and golden applications. (A/N: Hanbok is a traditional Korean dress)
Her hair was tied back to a knot and a huge golden hair pin was holding it in place. From her headdress two long black stripes of silk were draped over her shoulders. It was a wedding dress. 

Mi-Ho was utterly confused. She thought she had all of Wonjeong's memories back and there was no memory of her getting married. In fact she was a priestess back then with the sole purpose of creating the barrier around Tamra, there was no talk about a marriage. She couldn't be Wonjeong, and obviously she couldn't be Mi-Ho either. Was this book playing tricks on her? Where the hall was she and what kind of history was she seeing? 

''My bride.''
Both women looked up at the sound of the voice. Mi-Ho turned around to see the fiancée and was so shocked that she had to balance herself when she took a step back. It was Jongryeong. But he was much younger than in her memories. 

''Finally we can save this land.''
The woman, who looked like Mi-Ho and Wonjeong passed by her and Mi-Ho noticed that she was taking a step to the side so she wouldn't pass through her. So she did indeed look at her. She could see her. 

''Follow me.''
She whispered and Mi-Ho did just that. What else could she do? The woman walked up the stairs to stand by her fiancée's side and Mi-Ho carefully followed her but kept her distance. She didn't want to accidentally step into her. The feeling of someone passing through her body was a strange one she didn't want to feel again. 

Jongryeong took her hand and they walked into the building, the doors were closing behind them. The cries and prayers of the people were now only audible to those right in front of the door but the more you walked towards the grand hall the sounds subsided. 

''Are you happy that your wish is coming true?''
Jongryeong mockingly laughed at her question while gripping her hand a bit more.
''My dear. You don't know how important your role in all of this is, do you?''
While talking Mi-Ho noticed how soft spoken the woman was, when she talked to Wonjeong she also noticed that small fact. She got more curious about who this woman was. Was Wonjoeng also a reincarnation? 

''You just need me to fulfil my duty after that you will kill me won't you?''
''It is really sad when women are smart as you are.''
Won Mi-Ho stared angry holes into Jongryeong's back. How could he be like that towards the woman he'd marry. For some reason he seemed to realize though that something was off. The woman fast took a step to the left so she stood between him and Mi-Ho. 

''Is something the matter?''
Jongryeong looked around a bit nervous but shook it off.
''No I just thought there was a presence here. But I guess I was wrong.''
He took another step and the woman followed until they disappeared inside the grand hall. Mi-Ho wanted to follow but the woman shook her head slightly so she was left in front of the closed doors. Maybe the wedding ceremony could be tainted with her being here... Mi-Ho was nervous for some reason. And why wouldn't she? It felt like she was pulled into another time but no one could see her here. How was she supposed to go back? And what was this anyway? She didn't want to go around this place and look for, well anything, because she wanted to talk to this woman so badly. She couldn't lose her now. And she believed that the woman wanted to talk to her as well since she told her to follow her. Won Mi-Ho had no idea how much time passed but when the doors opened the next time the woman came out alone. Was that right? Her coming out alone? 

''Come with me.''
She still whispered it while passing Mi-Ho and was already walking down the stairs. Mi-Ho followed suit until they reached a small house at the western side of the huge terrain. Mi-Ho still had no idea what exactly this place was. In her memory she knew that Jongryeong was a Buddhist monk and he always said that everything he did was in the name of Buddha but this seemed to be a different religious place. They entered the small house which only consisted of one room. Mi-Ho looked around a bit unsure of what to do and was overwhelmed when she felt herself being pulled into a warm hug. The woman had closed the doors behind them and suddenly her arms fell around Mi-Ho. She was more than surprised when she felt someone touching her. Maybe that's why the woman walked around her back then, she knew that she could touch her. 

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