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Warnings: none until I see to it that they need to be added

Dark Cacao sat at his desk, finishing some last paperwork. The sound of the door opening up caused him to perk his head up to check to see who it was that entered. The person who had come into his office was one of his head commanders of the Northern Citadel Army named Tatiana.


'My Lord, a moment if you can?'

"Of course. What is it?"

'The transfer from the Vanilla Kingdom is here. Let me just tell you, the kid's short. Very, very short. But he knows his stuff from what I've heard.'

"Very well, I'll be there in a moment. Where is he?"

'The main court, my lord. He is waiting with Caramel Arrow.'


Tatiana left, shutting the door gently as if a baby was asleep. Dark Cacao sighed, stacking his now finished work in stacks, setting it off to the side to put in envelopes later. He put his fountain pen in a pencil cup, grunting as he stood up. He stretched a little, soon exiting his office as his knee high black leather boots thudded as they hit the floor heading onwards the main court.


Pure Vanilla sighed, tapping his feet against the floor.

"Say, Where's the big man? Y'know, the boss?"

"Oh, He should be here soon. Just give him a moment."

Tatiana poked into the conversation.

'Welcome to the Citadel kid. Here's a suggestion, try to keep on the guy's good side. It'll make a big difference.'

As if on cue, Dark Cacao entered the court. My oh my, he was stunned at the sight of the transfer. He was mighty gorgeous. That golden ivory hair that's curled and sits on his shoulders oh so elegantly, the armor he wore that looked almost skin tight. It really brought out every shape and curve of his body, didn't it? And Tatiana was right. The man was short, much shorter than he was. Perhaps he was to his shoulder? He wasn't entirely sure. He shook his head as the transfer cocked an eyebrow at the king who just stared and stared. Cacao shook his head, combing his hand through his hair to clean it back up due it frizzing.


"Hello there. You're the transfer, yes?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Caramel provided you with the key to your chambers, correct?"


"That is all. Caramel and Tatiana, you're dismissed. I'll be leading you to your chambers if you need."

Pure Vanilla felt rather flattered about the Citadel king suggesting a personal escort to his room.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

"Very well. This way."

The king did the follow me motion with his hand, beginning to walk back up the grand staircase while Pure Vanilla followed him. Pure Vanilla let his eyes wander to the cacao bricked walls and floors, then the framed paintings of winter landscapes, portraits of the previous queen (Dark Cacao's mother) White Cocoa who was also known as the Ice Warrior of the North. He shivered. She looked like a dead eyed statue with a death glare. He noticed something else. She held the same sword Dark Cacao uses. He only knew that because he read books about it when he was younger. He stumbled from his thoughts catching on his ankle. He shook his head, turning his gaze on the hall and giant king ahead of him. Cacao stopped in front of a doors which had a golden plaque on it with Pure Vanilla's name and military rank. Cacao stuck his hand out for the key as Pure Vanilla dropped it into his hand. He watched Cacao's gloved hands twist and turn the key in the knob, soon pushing it open after giving Pure Vanilla the key back.

"Here is your room. Do you have any questions?"

"I do not. Just one thing.."

"Go on."

"Why were you staring at me before?"

"...my apologies for before. That was Ill-mannered of me. And why I did I..I don't know."

"That's okay but I just found it really...weird."

"Again, sorry about that. But getting back on topic, any other questions?"

"No sir."

"I'll be in my office if anything comes up, otherwise call Caramel Arrow or Tatiana for help."


"Oh, and if you don't see an armor stand anywhere, it is because we are in the process of having one made for you."

"Oh really? Never knew handmade armor stands that fit your armor exactly existed."

"We do it for a reason. We understand the value of one's armor. It could be the difference between life and death."

"You aren't wrong, but I think I'm gonna start settling in to you know- get comfortable-"

"Alright. Call one of my housekeepers or maids if you need help moving anything to your room."

Cacao soon left, leaving the transfer knight to sit on the bed and observe the room. He's going to be here for a while, isn't he?

Author: Frankie B.

# of words: 827


Finished at: 6:06 pm

A Battle Inside Two Hearts. {king x male knight}Where stories live. Discover now