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Thought I'd do these for both since you'd probably want them just to make anything they do make sense. Here they are!!

Let's start with Dark Cacao.

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Gay (as hell sorry sorry)

Height: 6'3 (probably taller if you add the soles of his leather boots)

Despite being a winter king, he has a lot of knowledge regarding remedies and medicine. 

Age: 20-21 ish? (not really sure on this as of rn, will probably change later.)

Eye color(s): Grape wine purple/magenta purple

Personality: Despite being a winter king, it doesn't take long to warm up to him.

Make sure to stay on the dude's good side. He's got quite the temper and he's got very bad anger issues. 

He's in love with the transfer. You can see it in the dudes face. 

He battles well, and usually trains every transfer himself to prepare them for the winter battles and snow storms that lay ahead of them.

Hc(s) that probably don't matter all that much but I'm putting them here anyway: 

Hair: Slightly curly and wavy and it goes to the back of his knees. 

Body type (?): I'd say that he's pretty muscular. Never skipped leg day, and his body is covered mostly in scars. He definitely has big man boobies. Sorry not sorry 😚

Knight PV hcs:

Pronouns: He/they (doesn't really discriminate with either)

Sexuality: Gayish?? (Idk/j)

Height: probably 5'7 or 6 foot. (Not entirely sure. will probably change this later because of Tatiana describing him as being "short".)

Age: 20 (May or may not change this later)

Eye color(s): Pastel yellow and blue, one eye each.

Personality: He keeps to himself and has patience that even Dark Cacao admires. And he's a king. He cares about his armor, bringing it to the Citadel's smith whenever it needs fixed. He's not an insomniac and overworked like Dark Cacao is, but because of his patrols he's starting to get there. He doesn't get injured very often, and usually when he does, he's cautious about it and takes his time. 

Hc(s) that probably don't matter all that much p2:

He still has the star mark as always. Someone commented this and I'm glad they did. I totally forgot! Not sure why I didn't add it before.

Hair: A gold ivory blonde color. It's very curled and it's sits on his shoulders (shoulder length) and he has the his two iconic bangs in the front as always. :) sometimes he wears his hair in a bun but that's rare.

Body type (?): he doesn't have as much muscle as Dark Cacao, but he's got it. He has scars on his body too but they're mostly on his chest and back. Very few on his arms.

[if you have any suggestions, comment them! :) ]

Please give me credit if you use these. Thanks! :)

A Battle Inside Two Hearts. {king x male knight}Where stories live. Discover now