Chapter 3: Mended Wounds. 🩹❤️‍🩹

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Warning(s): angst. That's it. Just angst. If you want to hate me, go for it. Sorry not sorry <3 

(Also, slight swearing warning. And something else- you'll probably see sleeveless turtlenecks being mentioning a lot. I just have an odd obsession with them so you're gonna have to just deal with it.)


Pure Vanilla groaned, squinting his eyes. He swore he was laying in blood and snow what only felt like minutes before. But instead he was...on something soft? He didn't know where he was, or who brought him to where he is now. 


It was Probably Caramel Arrow. He could barely see. His head was pounding and it was killing him. He couldn't feel or move anything below his torso. He slightly got a whiff of what could possibly be lavender and mint incense that was burning. He thought he heard the breathing of another person, but he wasn't sure. He tried to move his head, even just a little to look and see if he was crazy or not. He succeeded in his effort, turning his head towards the wall the door was on. He saw the blurred outline of who he thought was Cacao. Was it the king sitting by the bed? He wasn't certain. There was thing he was sure of, and it was his vision was fucked up and literal shit. He rubbed his eyes weakly with his hand. His lips felt so chapped and dry, it hurt. After a while his vision improved and he could see normally. 


He looked over by the door again and saw Dark Cacao entering.


"Ah, you're finally up."

Pure Vanilla only groaned in response.

"Allow me to sit you up in a way where you won't hurt."

Dark Cacao approached the bed, getting his right hand behind a pillow that was set behind Vanilla's back and head. Vanilla let out a quiet whine as the king moved him to a position where he was sitting up, soon sitting back down in a chair he moved to the bedside.

"Do you feel sore at all?"

"A little bit yeah..-"

"I have some ointment and medicine for that, and I brought you something to eat."

"You..didn't have too.-"

"It's the least I can do as a king."

"You've done well for the time you've been here."


Vanilla took another look at the king. He was wearing a purple sleeveless turtleneck, grape purple pants, black belt, and what he thought was black boots or shoes of some kind. The mans hair was in a bun, some strands of pearl white and coal black hair hanging free. If he had to be honest, he looked pretty hot. Of course he would never say that out loud, so he just kept it to himself. His eyes wandered down the king's scarred arms, almost admiring them. He stopped, soon looking back at the king who sat at his bedside. He suddenly began to feel a pounding pain in his side. He yelped in shock and surprise at the pain, slightly jolting and curling up into a ball. Cacao eyes widen as he tried to calm and sooth the knight back to how he was before. Him being in pain and moving at the same time wouldn't make his recovery go any faster. He took the knight out of the curled up ball he was in and tucked him back under the blankets. He soon gently pressed the back of his large, bulky and rough hand against Vanilla's forehead to check his temperature. Just in case. You were more likely to get ill if you were recovering from a severe injury like this. He sighed, grabbing a bowl of freshly made pretzels he took out of the oven a few minutes ago.



"I brought you some pretzels I made. I don't want you to move for any reason other then cleaning up for bed and going to the bathroom."

Cacao paused.

"That being said, I'll have to hand feed you. You're already injured as it is, and I don't want it getting worse."


Vanilla looked at him, slightly doing grabbing motions with his hands. Cacao cocked an eyebrow. Did he want the food or did he want to be held? He set the bowl of pretzels down, slowly and ever so gently wrapping his buff arms around the smaller male. He bent over, slightly cradling him in his arms. Pure Vanilla's eyes widened at the act, not sure about how to react. He slowly sunk into the other's embrace, enjoying it. Cacao adjusted himself slightly, continuing to cradle the recovering knight. Some time passed, and soon the knight was sleeping like a baby. The king quietly sighed, letting a smile crawl onto his face. He never thought he'd ever see a transfer sleeping so peacefully in his life. He slightly melted. He loved how peaceful he looked. He snapped out his thoughts, feeling movement. He looked down to see Vanilla cuddling against his body and gently grabbing and holding onto his arm. Cacao blushed at the transfer's sleeping acts. He scooped the transfer up in his arms, sitting on the bed's edge and soon moving fully onto it as he laid slightly sitting up. He yawned, adjusting and he covering himself and Vanilla in blankets while moving him more into the inside of his shoulder. Hour after hour, he stayed awake, making sure the blonde slept well and wasn't hurting. He soon feel asleep himself, looking like a mother cradling her newborn and falling asleep in a rocking chair. Vanilla continued to hold onto the other as Cacao continued to protect Vanilla in his sleep until he woke up.

Author: Frankie B.

# of words: 889

Finished at: 7:29 pm

Date: 3/28/23

[A/N: I swear I'm trying my best to get chapters out like a gun shooting bullets in rapid fire- it's ridiculous, but I'm doing this for you guys! Believe it or not, as soon as I finish, I start to prepare to write the next chapter. Hope you loved the fluff and purecacao snuggles. :) also... this felt really short- I'm not sure about y'all though- tell me what you think. ]

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